Sunday, May 29, 2016

Review of Beachbody Les Mills Pump: Pump Challenge

Pump Challenge

This week, I started doing C25K Couch to 5k again. It's only three days a week, so I thought I should do some strength training on my non-running days. I was going to start doing Beachbody Hammer and Chisel again, but I didn't give myself enough time. I decided to give Beachbody Les Mills Pump another try to see if I was any better at it. I didn't go through the full 90 day program before. I just did each workout once. Each one of them made me hurt for about four days after I was done! I liked the workouts, but OMG they made me hurt! I picked the first for my workout between my first and second day of C25K

You can read about all of the moves on my first post about Pump Challenge. I used the five pound weights for the squat track and the chest track. I used 10 pounds for the other two leg tracks. I used 2 pounds and 5 pounds for the shoulder track. It was mainly two pounds. I think I did fives for the upright rows and the rest was just 2 pounds.

I made it through most of the workout with any problems. I did have to take a break on each side during the lunge track. Lunges suck! My shoulders were killing me for the Shoulder track, but I didn't need any breaks. I wasn't shaking when I was done with this workout like I was the first time I did Pump Challenge.

I wasn't sore the next day either. I was pretty happy about that part because I did it the day before I had a job interview which wasn't the best of ideas considering how much I hurt the first time I did it. I was able to walk up the stairs and down the stairs at the interview and didn't even wince. It kind of made me want to go through the 90 day program and alternate between C25K and Pump, but on Thursday, I had no motivation to do the same workout, so I took a rest day. Oopsy.

Polar M400 Screen Shots 

I'm not really sure what's up with that weird dip in the last third. The first dip is while I listened to the lengthy explanation about changing the weights and safety stuff. I think if I do try to do Pump along with C25K, I'll just move right two the second workout because the first one has too much down time while they explain so much. The others have some down time between segments, but this seems to have the most. 

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