Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Start! Walking at Home with Leslie Sansone 3 Mile Review

What I picked and Why

I picked Start! Walking At Home with Leslie Sansone Advanced 3 Mile Walk because I did the same back back on April second, but my BodyMedia Link device died during the workout so I was never able to post the workout tab from the phone. It's been annoying me ever since because I really like knowing how many calories, steps and minutes of activity are involved in each workout. I knew that I needed to do this workout again, but it took me this long to do it. You can read about my first attempt at Start! Walking At Home With Leslie Sansone Advanced 3 Mile Walk.


No equipment involved in this workout. It's just walk walk walk! No walk boosters and no boosted walking.

The Workout

There was a warm up that lasted about five minutes. It went over the four basic steps. Then the pace picked up and picked up and picked up. We got going fast in this workout. It was mainly just the normal steps, but she added walking forward two counts and back two counts, side steps going forward four counts and back four counts, double side steps, double knee lifts, 4 knee lifts for each leg, kicked backs, walk walk walk tap, tap outs, and tap outs that turned a little sideways and turned into a sort of lunge. I was able to keep up with that last part this time. I don't think I did the first time. There was only one time where a move lasted longer than I was happy with. We were kicking and she was talking. My hamstrings were a little sore from my Firm 30 workout from the Walk It Off in 30 Days DVD that I did on Monday. Other than that, I liked the workout. However, it did get a bit repetitive. It's been a bit since I've done anything longer than a mile though, so I was a bit tired and my calves were starting to hurt! The cool down was good. I think it lasted about five minutes or so. The stretch was good. She did all of the same basic stretches that she does. Arms up over the head with some deep breathing and then the calf stretch.There was a timer going in the corner of the screen. Those drive me insane. It really makes the workout drag for me.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots. I'm not sure what that random dip is just before the cool down. Maybe I took an extended water break. It seems a bit out of place. The big spike just before the workout was probably me getting up to fill up my water bottle. I was pretty happy to get 18 minutes of vigorous activity in. I really need to do more 3 mile workouts! I just have such motivation issues in the morning. I'm glad that I set myself up with this challenge for the week though. I only get one short workout so I have to find motivation! 

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