Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Start! Walking at Home with Leslie Sansone 3 Mile

What I picked and why

Today, I picked Start! Walking at home with Leslie Sansone. This was from Exercise TV originally. You can get the DVD or the digital download on Amazon. I picked this one for a few reasons. I had planned on doing a four mile, but I just couldn't get motivated yesterday morning, so I ran out of time for a 3 mile. I selected this particular 3 mile because I had already reviewed the 1 mile and the 2 miles of the same program, and I just wanted to clear out the third part of the series.  She was alone for this workout. I really do prefer her by herself. A lot less chatty and giggly. 


There are no walk boosters in this DVD. You could add some hand weights if you wanted to, but she does not use them or talk about them.

The Warmup

The warm up lasts about five minutes. It's pretty standard. She went through the four basic moves which are walking in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. If you can do these four. It starts off slow and then increases a little bit. After about five minutes, she points out that the pace is increased and you're onto the workout.

The Workout

Once you're warmed up, she adds arm movements into the mix. Most of the arm stuff is just lifting them over your head, pushing them out in front of you, or clapping when you're doing side steps. The first half or so of the workout is mainly just the same basic four steps plus some kick backs. She mixes it up a little and includes walking forward four paces and backwards for paces as well as side steps forward for four counts and back for four counts. I was starting to get a little bored since we hadn't done anything really different, but at some point she did add in the walk three counts and then tap. After we got into the flow, she had us do that sideways. She also did double knee lifts and double sidesteps. I always like the double side steps because they get my heart going.

I don't really remember her going off on any long speeches in this one. There was only one time where I was totally ready to be done with whatever move she was on, but she was talking so we kept going. It wasn't a long chat, but she started it after we had been doing front kicks for a bit. This workout also included tap outs and the tap outs that turn into lunges. I can do these little lunge things now. The first few times, I thought they were torturous on the knees. However, I do not do them at the breakneck speed she does. I go off pace, and I don't care. 

This workout also had a move that I hadn't done with her before. It was a side step with a heel tap. You step out with your right leg and then bring your left leg over to meet it, but instead of tapping it where you normally would, you tap your heel out in front of it. It creates this interesting twisting motion.. Once your add your arms into it, it really gets interesting. I wasn't sure how my knees would handle it, but it seemed to go okay. That was pretty much it for new or different stuff.

There was a time clock in the upper left hand corner ticking down the workout second by second. These things drive me nuts. It make it feel like the workout was taking forever. She announced the miles as they were completed and a little mile marker showed up on the screen when she made the announcements. 

The Cool Down/Stretch

Around 10 minutes left to go, the music slowed down and she said something about being done with your arms. It continued to slow and she continued to discuss how slow and small the movements were supposed to be since we were cooling down. Around four or five minutes to go, she announced that we had done 3 miles and it was time to stretch. It was a pretty typical stretch with inhaling and exhaling while arms were going up over the head. After all of the heavy breathing, we turned to the side for the standard Leslie Sansone calf stretch. It's a pretty common stretch though. You stand in almost a stationary lunge position with your back leg heel on the floor instead of up on your toes. You put your weight forward and then bend at the hip flexor. Once you do that for both sides, you do some more heavy breathing and you're done!

Where to Buy

You can buy it on eBay or Amazon. On the day of this post, I was only able to find one auction for it on ebay.

BodyMedia Screen shots

My BodyMedia Link unlinked mid workout. I was pretty bummed. I didn't get the workout tab like I usually do to show how many steps I did, how many calories I burned, and minutes of vigorous and moderate activity. I did have the armband on though the whole workout, so I was able to dig this up on their site so you could see the arc of the workout. The big blob is the workout. Now, I have to find a workout for today! I didn't have time to write the review last night, so I had to do it this morning before I did another workout and had them blend in my mind. 

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