Monday, March 31, 2014

Walk Aerobics Firm Up Fast Walk

Walk Aerobics Firm Up Fast Walk

This was my last Netflix disc from my free trial. I pick this because it was one of the older workouts, and I haven't seen these on Gaiam TV or on Amazon Prime which are my next two free trials on the agenda. This one looks like it was in that in between 80s and 90s. The hair was still a little big, but not 80s big. The clothes were tight, but not 80s bright neon. This one was also filmed 7 weeks after Leslie had a baby. I took a photo so you can see a different version of Leslie than most people are used to seeing. I really liked seeing her a little chubby. It makes me feel better knowing that she had weight to lose at some point.


The DVD gives the option to play the whole workout or to select the sections that you want to play. i selected the whole workout and got to watch the introduction, which was more like an infomercial than an introduction. It had success stories from people who have done the workout. I already had the workout. I didn't need to be convinced to do it. Leslie then did her own little introduction and talked about how food isn't such a big factor in losing weight. Exercise is the most important thing. I'm glad she grew out of this little chat since you can lose weight without exercise, but you could exercise 10 hours a day and not lose weight if you're eating garbage. 


Leslie used dumbbells in the workout. One of the walkers used resistance bands. A couple of the walkers didn't use anything. I didn't have dumbbells and she referred to the walker with the bands as the advanced method, so I used my 2 pound weighted balls. I would have preferred more weight.

The Warm Up

This was called Firm Up Fast Walk, but there was very little walking involved. It started with a brief warm up which involved some mini squats and then an abductor move where you lift one leg up off the ground to your side. The warm up lasted about five minutes maybe a little less. After the warm up, she picks up some weights and begins the workout. 

The Workout

The workout started with lateral raises. It then moved to bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, lunges and squats. The lunges were stationary ones. This was the first time that I have done lunges and felt good about them. They hurt and I hated them, but I didn't feel off balance. I could focus on doing a nice deep lunge without falling over. The squats didn't last excessively long and I managed to get through those fine as well. After the squats were done, it was time to get down on the floor for a fun series of leg lifts. I'm not a fan of leg lifts. Laying on my side on the floor is not comfortable and leg lifts hurt! She did some regular full leg lifts followed by some presses. Then she repeated the full leg lifts followed by more presses. Then we moved on to the lower leg. My leg shook sooooooooo bad the whole time while doing the lower leg. It didn't hurt, it just shook like crazy. After the one side was done, we flipped over and did the other side. Woohoo!

Then it was time for pushups! She did an alternate exercise for one of the walkers. She had her lay on her back with a resistance band underneath her. She did chest presses instead of push ups. I hate push ups, so I tried the chest presses, but I wasn't prepared with my stretchie band, so I used the 2 pound weighted balls. I have a wimpy chest, but apparently 2 pounds wasn't enough to even fell it. For the second set, I flipped over and did the push ups. This was the first time that I went deep enough into the push up for my boobs to actually hit the floor. I didn't crush them or anything, but they hit the floor and amazingly enough, my face didn't follow them. I think with lunges and pushups falling is one of my biggest fears. I'm afraid of going down too far because I feel like I won't get back up, but you know what....It doesn't matter! My face is like five inches from the floor, it's not like it's going to hurt if I fall. 

Once the pushups were done, it was time to get on our backs for crunches.There was a lot of crunches. We did normal crunches with both feet on the ground. We did a lot of these. First it was two up two down, then it was three up and down on the fourth, the back to two up and two down. Oblique crunches made the mix as well where you lift your right shoulder toward your left knee. There was a new thing I hadn't done before where you put a foot up on your knee. You then kept your back flat and reached with one hand towards the foot that was on the ground. You did a sideways crunch type thing. It was interesting, but I don't know if I put enough oomph into it because it didn't really feel like it was doing anything. After all of that, it was time to  alternate lifting our knee into our chest. Gotta love those.

The Cool Down/Stretch

There wasn't really a cool down since our heart rate didn't get up and we didn't need to get it back down, There was a stretch while laying on our backs. It was a pretty typical stretch with the legs down flat and the arms up over our heads flat on the ground. There was also some self hugging and then laying the arms out on either side. There was also pulling the leg to our chests and then stretching it up straight. Oh, and the bent knee twist to the side thing. It's hard to explain, but if you've done an ab workout ever in you're life, I'm sure you've done the stretch. 

Where to buy

You can buy the DVD on Amazon, but it doesn't look like it's sold by Amazon. 

BodyMedia Screen shots

Here are my BodyMedia Screen shots. I didn't get a big calorie burn and hardly had any activity registered as even moderate. The tall thing spike on the left is my workout. I had wider spikes while walking around at work. I'm sure I'll feel it in my legs tomorrow though. It's funny though, after the workout was done, I thought to myself, "Wow that went fast. I feel like I didn't do anything." I sat on the couch for a few minutes before my shower. When I got up to head to the shower, my legs shook so badly! I thought I was going to fall over. This certainly worked my legs! 

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