Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Jessica Smith Latin Spice Walk

What I picked and why

This morning, I had some computer problems and was in a major rush to find a workout to do. I didn't want to use my 10 minute / 1 Mile option today. I'm trying to save that for Friday. Once I finally got the computer working correctly, I raced to to find a 30 minute walking workout that I hadn't done yet. I had limited options. I ended up with the Latin Spice Walk. Someone had suggested this walk to me so it was two birds and one stone. It doesn't get better than that. 

The Workout

There was a brief warm up with just some easy walking, but it didn't last long. This walk was not really what I was expecting in some areas and completely what I was expecting in others. I can't really go through a play by play of the workout because there was a lot going on and I don't really remember all the specifics. I do remember feeling a bit like a fish out of water in some spots. However, after watching the outtakes at the end, I felt much better because her mother apparently had issues too! I knew there were going to be dance type steps in this since it was called Latin Spice, but I was actually expecting more dancy type stuff. There were some cha chas and some hip twisting side step type things, but other than that, not a lot of dancy type stuff. I didn't do well with the hip twisting side step things, but I love the cha chas. My calves were killing me! There was also a move for the shins which just killed me too. She likes to do toe tap moves and OMG they are brutal! I was able to keep up for the most part, but the twisty side step things I just couldn't keep up with. There were a couple other parts where I was a bit slower than her. However, I think a lot of my issues with the tempo are more about me being so used to Leslie Sansone's stuff and following the beat of the music. For Jessica Smiths's stuff, I have to watch her feet to keep pace with her and sometimes I just get distracted by other things like Peanut or a spider on the wall (my wall, not hers. There were no spider sightings in this workout). The last few minutes were slower and then she went into a stretch. There wasn't much of a stretch, and a lot of it was while we were still walking in place. I liked the workout, but I doubt that I'll ever figure out the twisty side step things. It need her to face the same direction as me and slow it waaaaaaaaay down. 

Peanut made an appearance in this workout. I love Peanut! After the workout, she talks about a new DVD that she's putting together. I'm sure the DVD is out by now since this is an older workout. After that, they play the parts of the workout that were edited out. If you don't do well with the twisty side step things,you should be sure to watch the out takes. I felt better after. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots for the workout. I was surprised to have 8 minutes of vigorous activity. It didn't really feel like anything was vigorous. There were things that made my muscles sore and I was breathing hard the entire time, but I really didn't feel like anything was particularly fast, and usually it takes something fast to kick up the thing to vigorous. I liked most of the workout and had fun doing it. It's been a bit since I talked about people burning calories at a different rate, so I thought I should bring it up again. I post my BodyMedia screen shots for several reasons. One of which is because I like to have an easy way for me to see how many calories I burned on a specific workout, but also so other people can get an idea of how many calories they can burn doing these workouts. There are a lot of factors that determine how many calories you burn and you also have to remember that you burn calories just by being alive, so while my screen shot shows that I burned 370 calories during the workout, I would have burned about 50 just sitting on the couch doing nothing, so I really only burned 320 extra calories doing the workout. 

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