Friday, April 11, 2014

Denise Austin Fat Blasting Cardio Walking Workout - Intervals

Why I picked this workout

I wanted to do another walking workout and I spent too much time listening to a conference call for Zuzu Lane. I was running short on time, so I picked another short Denise Austin workout on YouTube. This was posted by BeFit, so it's posted legally and I have no moral issues about sharing the link with you. You can do this workout by clicking here. I was able to share yesterday's workout right to the blog, but this one wouldn't let me do that. Oh well. 

The Workout   

There was essentially no warm up. All of the walkers are walking in place at about the same speed that they use for the entire workout except for the intervals of higher intensity.  It's so hard for me to hear her because her voice is so low and husky. I miss instructions if I'm not looking at the screen. She really is excessively perky. The other walkers had smiles painted on their faces.

There was little instruction. If I did this a couple times the lack of instructions might not be a problem, but I felt like I was a step or two behind everyone because she didn't really say what they were going to do. She just said that we were going to do something next, and she did it with little warning.

Some of it was like it was out of a Leslie Sansone DVD, but some of it was very different. Her knee lifts were rather odd looking, but she never mentions the reason for sticking her foot out at a 135 degree angle instead of the standard 90 degree angle.

The intervals were pretty short. One of them was a very brief jogging session. She started it by just bouncing on the balls of her feet. She then turned that into a jog which then got more intense by really kicking your feet up higher. I don't do so well with the high feet in the back so I just did the best that I could.

There was a segment of walking towards the corner of the room while punching forward and then you walked backwards while doing some arm movement. She said to really use my abs, but I didn't really know what I was using my abs to do. after going into the corner, you did the same thing going forward and then the same thing into the other corner. At some point while doing that, she added in a walk in a circle before going back to the first corner, but like I said, her voice is just so low that I miss things that she says.

This looked choreographed and well practiced since the walkers knew what she was going to do even though I did not. The whole thing was very Ken and Barbie for me. The workout itself was decent for such a short workout. I'm going to do the third short one on YouTube, but after that, I'm not sure if I'll be sticking with Denise Austin's workouts. I found Jessica Smith on YouTube, and I really like her. I'm not knocking Denise Austin or her fan base, but Jessica Smith is a lot less Ken and Barbie.

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Just the one BodyMedia screen shot for today since they are updating the system and I can't get in to get the arc of the workout. I didn't burn a ton of calories, but it was more than sitting on the couch. It wasn't a very intense workout, but I wasn't able to keep up because I never felt like I knew what I was supposed to be doing. I'm glad I did it and I look forward to doing the third short walking workout she has on YouTube. I might even try to convince my library to buy one of her full length walking workout DVDs, but I don't think I'll do this particular workout again. 

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