Friday, May 30, 2014

Jessica Smith Thin in 10 Day 4

What I did and why

Today was Day 4 of my Jessica Smith's Thin in 10 seven day challenge. My abs were still sore from my workout on Wednesday. My glutes were a little sore from my workout yesterday. I wasn't really in the mood to workout and I really didn't want to do today's workout because it involved doing the Cardio Quickie TWICE! I didn't like Cardio Quickie the first time. I really didn't want to do it TWICE in the same workout.

Day 4

The Walk

I did the 10 Minute Interval Walk on YouTube again. I only jogged or one section. I was going to jog for all of them, but then I remembered that I needed to save some oomph for the Cardio Quickie that I would have to do TWICE! The walk alternates between high intensity and low intensity in one minute intervals. The high intensity is fast walking in place. She does mix it up a bit and we walk sideways and also forward and backwards. The low intensity is knee lifts, front kicks, pretending to skate by lifting you legs behind you and a couple other things. There's not much to say about the walk. It's a good walk, but after doing it even, it gets a little old.

Cardio Quickie TWICE!

Have you figured out yet that I didn't want to do this part? Oddly enough, it wasn't that bad this time! I was pretty sore the first time that I did this workout, and I think that impacted my opinion of it. This workout was fast and it was intense, but it was doable. It's an interesting workout because it focuses on upper body movements for cardio and that's just not normal. This is an interval workout that alternates between 40 seconds of low intensity followed by 20 seconds of high intensity. There were five sets of moves and we did each of them twice. For Day 4 in the Intermediate Program, we restart the DVD and do it all over again. You could also do the workout at different times during the day.

The low intensity stuff was still pretty intense for me. We started with side steps. Once we got in the groove, we did a hop in the middle. We had our arms stretching out and pulling back as well. The high intensity version is hard to explain. Imagine a side position. Now imagine moving quickly while alternating your legs in this position and trying to touch the floor. Yeah, totally fun I know.

There was also a move where we stood still and alternated big arm circles like we were swimming. The high intensity version was doing both arms at the same time while hopping up as we came out of it. I didn't hop, but I did pick my heels up and got up onto my toes.

There was another move where we alternated tapping a foot out in front while we stretched out the opposite arm. The high intensity was scissor jacks while still punching our with our hands.

Another move involved walking fast forward and backwards. The high intensity was jogging in place while lifting our arms up over our heads. 

The last move was total fun! So we stood there with our feet shoulder width apart. We then shifting our weight slightly to one side and then the other while doing figure eights with our arms while our hands were clasped. As if this wasn't hard enough...For the high intensity, we did the figure eights with our arms while doing skaters with our feet. Totally awesome! 

So after that was done, I did the whole Cardio Quickie again! The first set wasn't so bad. The second set killed me. I had to stop doing some of the arm movements for a few reps because my shoulders were just killing me. I really hate having wimpy shoulders!

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia Screen shots. The first one is for the walk. The second one is for the first set of Cardio Quickie and the third is the second time through Cardio Quickie. As you can tell, I just didn't give it my all for the second round of Cardio Quickie. Well, I did give it all that I had at the time, but I just didn't have much left after doing it the first time. My shoulders hurt soooooo badly! The arc of the workout is interesting to look at, but those big dips in the middle are from me walking around my living room trying to catch my breath between the different segments of the workout. I'm actually a it bummed that Cardio Quickie is not in the rest of the seven days. I don't think it was good planning to have Simple Strength times 2 the day before Total Body Circuit time 2 though. OMG! I don't think I'll be able to move for 

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