Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Biggest Loser Chicken and Pasta Shells in Vodka Sauce

Chicken and Pasta Shells in Vodka Sauce

I'm not 100% certain that I got the name right, but the cookbook is in the other room, and I just don't feel like getting up just yet. More chicken! Both of my meals this week were made with chicken. I think I need to add some beef next week. So this recipe also had asparagus in it, but that wasn't in the title. I had never eaten asparagus that wasn't wrapped in bacon, or at least I couldn't remember it. I wanted to try this recipe because it had pasta! I was willing to try asparagus just to get pasta!

This was another lesson in reading the recipe BEFORE cooking it! Had I read the entire recipe first, I probably would not have planned this meal. The chicken and the asparagus were supposed to be grilled. I improvised since I don't grill. We own a grill, but that's man's land. I used my convection oven to cook the chicken and used the insert so there would be lines on the chicken. It didn't really dawn on me that they would just be indentations and not actual charred lines, but whatever. Who cares about grill lines on chicken! I broiled the asparagus at my husbadn's suggestion. I really had no idea how to deal with it.

I ended up using way too many dishes. Funny story about dishes though. Hubby knew that it was my turn to cook dinner and he kindly did dishes when he got home from work. He got everything in the dishwasher except for two pans. He washed one by hand and left the other one in the sink. Turns out the one he left, was the one that I needed to cook the chicken. I didn't complain though. I just washed it and went on with life. I did point out how funny I found it though. 

Okay, so this was easy enough to make, but I didn't like the asparagus and neither did my husband. I was able to eat the asparagus, but he had to spit out the first bite of it. He then sat there and picked out all of the asparagus that was in the bowl. Oddly enough, my bowl had little asparagus and his seemed to have all of it. He liked the flavor of the dish itself, but I wasn't a huge fan. Well, I liked the chicken and the pasta, but I wasn't a fan of vodka sauce. I'm not really a fan of sauce on pasta unless it's leftovers though so maybe that's why I didn't like it. There wasn't anything wrong with the flavor of the sauce, but the consistency was eh for me. It was a little too creamy for me. 

I don't think that we'll be trying this one again. He doesn't like asparagus and I don't like vodka sauce. I'm glad I tried it though. I really do need to try new and exciting things!

Other Recipes that I have made from this cookbook...

Chicken Cordon Bleu Team

You can buy the book on Amazon by clicking the link above. 

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