Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jessica Smith - Kick Butt Kickboxing

What I picked and why...

Today I actually felt some motivation to workout. I felt that post workout pain from yesterday and that always make me feel like I'm doing something so I want to do more! I sound like I'm a masochist, but really I'm not. I wanted to do another Jessica Smith workout, but I wasn't really in the mood for a walk. I finally decided to do the kickboxing workout that I've been wanting to do. I was tempted to do the 15 minute workout, but I went for the 35 minute! I picked it because I wanted something around 30 minutes and the title didn't involve Strength or Ballet. I might try that ballet kickboxing workout she's got eventually just out of utter curiosity on how she manages ballet and kickboxing, but for today, I didn't want anything dancy. 

The Workout

There was a short little warm up ad then it was constant action. I kind of missed the marching in place between moves. Even Billy Blanks let me march in place between moves. The workout went really fast. I think that was partly because there really were no breaks. We went from one move to the next. Some of them were less strenuous than others, but they were back to back to back. The layout of the workout made things go quickly too. Instead of doing one move on the right side and then repeating it on the left side right away, she strings three or four things on the right side and then you do those three of four things on the left side. I'm not really sure why that seems to move things along faster for me, but it does. I really like this aspect of her workouts. When I did Tae Bo, we always stood there for what felt like forever and a day doing roundhouse kicks, then we walked a little bit and switched sides. Then we did a new move on one side, walked a little and switched to the other side. I really like this stringing together multiple moves on one side before switching. 

This workout wasn't really what I was expecting. It had punching and kicking, but it was more than just punching and kicking. There was a lot of leg strength stuff. She even said that her legs were shaky at the end. I don't think she was fibbing just to make me feel better. One of my legs gave out of me on the way to the bathroom for my shower! I managed to catch myself before landing in a heap on the hallway floor. :)

There were some pretty intense moves that I had to take breaks from. She stayed in horse stance for what felt like forever! There were also a lot of squat variations. Horse stance is essentially a squat, then there was the one legged squat thing, then there were regular squats. My legs are going to be sore tomorrow! There were jumping jacks! I hate jumping jacks and until I get a better bra, I'm just not doing jumping jacks! As far as kicks, there was a segment with front kicks, one with back kicks and one with round house kicks.. 

She did an elbow thrust type move that I've never done before in all of my kickboxing workouts. I really liked that since it seemed to work new muscles. That's what I love about her workouts. She does interesting things that work new muscles. Another example was a leg move. I've done leg circles going out before, but I've never done leg circles going in before. They aren't as easy to convince your body to do, but they really make you feel it in new places!

The workout slowed in pace and then we moved into a stretch. She does a different mix of stretches while still getting all of the important bits and pieces. 

I had a hard time keeping up with her in this workout, but I got over it. I'm used to not keeping up with kickboxing stuff so it doesn't bother me so much if I'm off beat, but with walking workouts, I really want to stay on pace with the instructor. 

I liked the workout and will try more of her kickboxing stuff. I don't think I'm ready to do the 60 minute one, but I do think I'm ready to try TaeBo again! I've missed Tae Bo, but after doing a kickboxing workout with a nice calm instructor, I'm not sure if I can deal with Billy Blanks and his over the top personality. 

I got her book from the library and can't wait to read it! It came with a workout DVD too. Uber excited! Although, I also have the newest Black Dagger Brotherhood book to read, so I really don't think I'll be reading about weight loss in the next week or so. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots for the workout. I was surprised that I only had 7 minutes of vigorous activity, but I did skip the jumping jacks and the bouncy squats. I didn't actually skip either of them, but I modified them but doing the arm part of the jumping jacks while doing "tap outs" with my feet. I did squats but skipped the bouncy in the middle. I probably could have gotten more bounce into my boxer shift thing too, but I just don't bounce well. This workout had an interesting arc, but part of my dip was probably during the jumping jacks and bouncy squats, so if I hadn't skipped those, it might have been more of the usual arc without the big dip in the middle. 


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