Monday, April 21, 2014

Leslie Sansone Just Walk Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan Monday


The DVD and why I picked it

I picked the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan because it came in from the library last week and I only have one week to get done with it. I'm going to do the workout plan designed in the DVD. Each day has a set workout planned and it includes a walk followed by targeted toning. Monday's walk was a 3 mile and the toning was for the abs. You have the option to follow the plan or you can create your own workout with up to 10 segments. You can repeat any segment, so you could end up with a 10 mile walk. You could also do a 5 mile walk with each of the targeted toning. You could even do all of the toning spots in one big circuit and then repeat them. Another thought would be to do a mile then do targeted toning and alternate that way. There are so many options with this. I really like the concept.


No equipment is needed for this walk. There were no walk boosters and no boosted walking.

The workout

Warm Up 

The warm up was a separate part and not included in the first mile. Everyone wore teal for the warm up. It lasted about five minutes. It went through the basic steps.

Yellow Mile 

This one seemed like the fastest mile. This was just a normal mile with the four basic moves plus side steps going forward and backwards and walking three steps and tapping on the fourth. The pace was good, and the mile went by quickly.

Red Mile 

This mile seemed really slow while doing it, but it was over with quickly. It was mainly just normal stuff, but towards the end of the mile there was the weight shifting thing sort of like a boxer getting ready for a fight. Then she had us turn and do punches with just one arm. After some more shifting of the weight, we turned the other way and did more punches.

Green Mile 

This mile was good, but there were a lot of grapevines. After we got into the grapevines, she had us add a kick back at the end of the grapevine. The grapevines seemed to go on and on and on. This one also had walking forward for four counts and backwards for four counts. I don't really have the room fr that due to my furniture, but I did the best I could with it.

Cool Down

The cool down wasn't part of the mile. Everyone was wearing teal again like in the warm up. The cool down included gentle walks, side steps, knee lifts, kicks and walk up two and back two. The stretching didn't last long, but it did include the normal hamstring and calf stretch that she does.


She was sitting down when this segment started. She quickly got onto her back and started things up. She started off with lifting the bent leg towards the chest. After that, there were normal crunches. Then she set us up slowly to do the 100 position. I had never heard of this before, but you're on your back with your legs straight up. Your arms are down by your side. You lift your shoulders up off the ground and then lift your hands up a few inches off the ground. Then you move your hands up and down about an inch or so. She said that you are supposed to do 10 sets of 10, but we only did 5 sets of 10. It was interesting, but not too difficult. Maybe the extra 50 reps would have been really difficult. After the 100 position, we did what she called cross overs. it's still a bicycle to me though. There was a very brief stretch after the ab stuff. The segment lasted about five minutes. It was a pretty good ab workout for five minutes. If you're in shape, you should do Jessica Smith's 10 Minute Solutions ab workout. If you're not in shape, this is a pretty good ab workout. I think I will be sore in the morning.  

Overall Comments

I found the Green mile the most enjoyable out of the three miles that I did. Oddly enough though, I enjoyed the steps in the first two miles better than the Green mile, but the walkers in the Green mile seemed more real. The Yellow mile had two walkers, and both of them had fake smiles plastered on their faces and they both did over exaggerated moves that were just distracting and annoying. The walkers in the Green mile smiled, but they looked like they were genuine smiles. They also didn't over exaggerate the moves so it was just a better experience for me even though there were grapevines!

This workout didn't really do anything new or exciting as far as moves go, but she did stack them on top of each other more which was good. The pace was a bit slow, but I still got 14 minutes of vigorous activity in a 45 minute workout. Each mile started off slow, but then had a pace increase midway through so it ended fast. Then the screen went black while the next segment loaded. When the walkers came back, I had to adjust my speed down to theirs. There were no walk boosters and no boosted walking.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots for the workout. You can see what I was talking about as far as the miles starting off slow. The first section builds and builds, but then it drops when the new mile hits. Then it goes back up, but then drops down again with the new mile. Check back tomorrow to see how that goes. Tuesday is a 4 mile walk, but I haven't looked at the targeting toning body parts yet.

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