Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Leslie Sansone Just Walk Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan Tuesday

What I picked and why

I'm on a mission to complete the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan, so I went with the Tuesday workout. This DVD gives the option to select up to ten segments of the workout or to do the prefabricated workouts. You can read more about my thoughts on the concept of the DVD in yesterday's post


You don't need any equipment for the walk portion, but the toning segment for the arms that followed it used dumbbells. I still don't have dumbbells, so I used my two pound weighted balls. 

The Workout

Warm Up 

The DVD has one warm up that gets used for all of the prefabricated workouts. It's about four and a half minutes long. It goes over the four basic steps. It's pretty basic.

Blue Mile

This was a new mile for me. It wasn't in the 3 mile that I did yesterday. It had the normal basic moves, but then did the shifting the weight bounce. We then alternated jumping jacks with arms only going halfway and then did jumping rope. I was not a fan of this mile and would probably never do it again other than it will be in the 5 mile at the end of the week. I hope it's not in the two mile. It also had double side steps going forward, but I didn't realize what we were doing so I was behind for a bit. I hate jumping jacks and just because my arms didn't go all the way over my head, didn't change my opinion of jumping jacks. Unless I get a better bra, I am just going to avoid this mile whenever possible. 

Yellow Mile

I enjoyed this one more than I did yesterday. I didn't find the one person nearly as annoying. This one had some different moves that I didn't remember. We walked forward two counts and then did tap outs, then back two counts and two tap outs. There was also a series where it was side steps then kick backs then heels. Heels is when you tap your heel in front of the other foot. This mile seemed short yesterday, but super long today. However, I did enjoy the mile today.

Green Mile

This mile was still calmer than the others. It started off with grapevines, and we did a lot of them. We added a kick back to the grapevine. We did grapevines a lot in this mile! Other than the grapevines and the walking forward four counts and back four counts, I don't really remember much. I do remember a lot of grapevines!

Purple Mile

This was another new to me mile. I have now down all five miles, but I haven't done them in order. As a first time user of this DVD, I felt cheated that they didn't save one mile to be a new mile for me when I go to the 5 mile walk, but I guess they had to think about the people who do this DVD all the time. It could be more boring for them to have done this a different way. The purple mile had grapevines too. I found the humor in this being the purple mile and having grapevines. I'm weird though. This one had more of the bouncing shifting weight thing. It also had some punches. Other than that, it seemed to be a pretty normal mile with the normal basic moves. I do remember doing a lot of raising the arms up over the head in this one. I had to skip a few of those because my shoulders were just on fire!


The targeted toning for Tuesday was arms! She used five pound dumbbells, but I still don't have mine, so I used my weighted balls. They're only two pounds so they aren't really good for bicep work for me. I did an extra squeeze at the top to make them a bit more challenging. It must have worked because I was so ready for her to say last one! So it was a bunch of regular bicep curls followed by a short rest. Then it was alternating bicep curls. Then it was four with both arms again and done! That was followed by triceps. She called it an overhead French Press. The arms go straight up over the head and then your hands come back down behind you until your elbows are at about a 90 degree angle. We did a bunch of those and then had a short rest before we did some more. The whole arm thing lasted about five minutes. I like these short little toning segments.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Below are my BodyMedia screen shots for the day. I love looking at the arc of the workout. Although, this workout isn't really that much of an arch. This is my second workout from this DVD, and I'm having the same issue with this four mile workout. I don't like the dips. I much prefer a nice big arc which is what she seems to preach in a workout, but this DVD is falling short on that side of things. I feel like I should have gotten more than 21 minutes of vigorous activity in an hour long workout too. Oh well. 

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