Wednesday, January 1, 2020

It's a new year........Where did the last one go!

I haven't done a single post since the middle of 2018. I didn't do any hiking in 2019. I'm pretty disappointed about 2019 in general. I really need to get back in gear for 2020. At the end of 2018, I got a NordicTrack Incline Trainer. It's one of those super duty things that goes from 40% incline down to -6% incline. It was going to be the answer to all of my prayers. It came with iFit which has tons of programs you can do where the treadmill adjusts the incline so I could just focus on walking without falling off. I did great for about two months. I walked nearly every day. I started out with the one mile program. They have 31 one mile workouts. Then I did the 1.5 mile ones. I think there were also 31 days of those as well.

I was optimistic that I was going to be doing some amazing hikes for 2019. Then I got sick. It seems like that happens. I'm moving along great and boom! I get a cold. A cold for me isn't just a couple days of feeling like crap. After the cold is gone, I end up coughing for months on end due to my lovely lungs. After I got better from being sick, I managed to come close to breaking my toe. Ironically, that accident was when I was walking by the treadmill. I snagged my little toe on it and I was moving fast enough that it really hurt. I seriously still think it may have been broken, but I never went to the doctor to get it checked. So once that was okay, I started walking again. Then, I got sick again. My husband had pneumonia during that time too. It really sucks being sick in July.

So I finally got over the cough of being sick and I think I gave myself sepsis. I had a small lump on my inner thigh. It happens every once in awhile. I'm not sure if they are ingrown hairs that get infected or what they are, but I usually pop them and I'm fine in a few days. The only problem this time was that when it popped, it didn't pop the skin so the stuff inside just floated around inside and it got soooooo bad. I will never again try popping them by squeezing them. I will get a needle and stick it in there, but never again will I use the squeeze technique. This thing hurt like hell for three weeks. My husband was such a trooper. He wanted me to go to the doctor, but I refused to go. Instead, I convinced him to stick a needle in it twice a day and squeeze anything out. It hurt sooooooooo bad! The stench was horrendous too. There was no way I was walking during that.

In August, I ended up with a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder. That was horrible pain. I think it was the worst pain of my life. It was definitely worse than when I broke my foot. I could barely move my neck. Typing was torture. I was to the point where I was going to go to the emergency room and get drugs or I was going to go to a chiropractor. I picked the chiro. That took about two months of two to three visits per week before I was even close to normal. I still have issues, but my chiro coverage ran out so I stopped going. Oddly enough, he seemed to have fixed my walking problems that were a result of my broken foot in 2016.

In November, I got sick again! I'm just now getting to the point where I don't need a cough drop to breathe at home and I still need one at work on some days since the people refuse to abide by the fragrance policy. It's been a suck year.

In October, my husband and I got brand new iPhone 11 Pro Max phones. I think that's the name. Anyway, the cameras are amazing and I can't wait to get outside and take pictures of something. I didn't buy this phone to play games and send texts. I bought it because of the camera and I'm going to get plenty of use out of it. I just need to get in shape so I can get out there!

For Christmas, my husband gave me a digital picture frame. I spent several days going through all of our hiking pictures to put them on the SD card for the frame. I'm pretty happy my computer had an SD slot. Going through all of those pictures was some good motivation to get off my butt. I can't believe I walked to the top of Tam McArthur Rim or Tumalo Mountain. At this point, I can barely walk around Walmart when we do our grocery shopping. My lower left side of my back hurts by the time I'm done. Doing dishes also sucks. My back is killing me by the time I'm done.

So this week, I decided to get back on the treadmill and get my stamina up. I'm not going to focus too much on nutrition at this point. I don't even care about weight right now. I just care about being able to walk around and take pictures. I walked this past Sunday. I only did a one mile walk, but it was 190 feet in elevation. I pretty much wanted to die when it was done. My arms hurt from holding on. My legs hurt from climbing the hills. My back was killing me! The next day, I just did a mile of flat. I felt like crap by the end of the day. My whole body was sore. How sad is that. It was only two miles today and only 190 feet of elevation total and I wanted to die. I skipped Tuesday because I was exhausted from sleeping so horribly lately and I felt really crappy when I went to bed.

Oh yea, we got a Sleep Number bed. It has an app that shows how many times I get up in the middle of the night. It also shows the number of minutes of restful and restless sleep. My sleep lately has been a train wreck. Not sure why though.

Today, I did another mile, but it was only 26 feet of elevation. It wasn't too bad. My lower back hurt and my right calf hurt, but I felt better after this one than I did for the one on Sunday. There's something wrong with my treadmill and I'm terrible about dealing with stuff like calling people to fix it, but if I go too fast, it dies. The thing can go up to 12 MPH, but if I get it going over 2.5 MPH, it seems to just stop working after 15 to 20 minutes. That's inspiration to work on elevation. There's no need to walk fast anyway. The faster I walk, the more jarring it is for my knees anyway so I'll work on elevation. The plan is to do all of the 1 mile walks again. The sucky part is since I already did them all, I have to manually add them to my calendar. The first time I did them, I was able to just join the challenge and it put one up every day. If I missed a day, the workout was there for the next day so I doubled up on some days to make up for the missed days.

I'm putting this all on here because I seemed to do well when I was tracking my workouts on here. Once I stopped doing regular blog posts, I also stopped doing regular activity. That needs to stop. I'm not sure what I'll do for these posts moving forward. It's not like I have a ton of time to write between my full time job, my part time job, and taking another medical coding class. I'll come up with something though.

Pokemon Go is another thing that's helping to give me motivation to workout. They made it so I earn egg hatching credit while walking on the treadmill. I just got off the treadmill before starting this post and I've been waiting for my egg hatching credit to come through. I feel as though I made a mistake though. If I don't close the app, I don't seem to get credit. I thought it was closed, but this one mile walk isn't showing up and I'm really bummed right now. I can't find Giovanni and I can't hatch my eggs! Ugh!!!!!!! Anyway.......stay tuned because I'm back!!!!!!!

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