Saturday, January 4, 2020

iFit 1 Mile Challenge Bochum, Germany

I mentioned in my last post that I had gotten a NordicTrack Incline Trainer and I was going to get back into using it again. On January 2, 2020, I did use it! I woke up at 4:00 AM and hopped on my treadmill. I chose to do this one mile walk that is on some street in Germany. I like that the treadmill does the changes in incline on it's own, but I can control the speed. I prefer to just stay at 2mph for now until I figure out how fast I can go without it stopping on me in the middle of my walk. 

This walk almost didn't happen, and I almost wish it hadn't happened! I had three pairs of sweatpants on the floor by my side of the bed. Hubby was still sleeping so I didn't turn on the light. I grabbed two pairs of sweatpants and a T-shirt. I headed out to the front room to get dressed. Turns out, I had grabbed one pair with no pockets and one pair with a hole in the inner thigh. I opted to use the one with the hole in the inner thigh since I wanted my phone in my pocket so I could get Pokemon Go egg hatching credit for my walk. A few minutes in, I realized that it was a mistake to wear the one with the hole. My skin started to get really irritated and it started to hurt so bad before the walk was over. I didn't really think much of it. I figured it would stop soon enough when I was done, but two days later and it still hurts. 

I skipped walking yesterday because even with sweatpants on, it just hurts! Jeans are actually less abrasive than the sweats which I think is very odd. I'm determined to walk today though. I found some nylons that are shorts. I can't explain them, but they are supposed to help with chub rub. I bought them to wear under skirts in the summer. They weren't all that I had hoped for an more when worn under a skirt, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to hop on the treadmill later today. They do feel like they will help with that. I don't like them under a skirt because I still sweat and it gets gross.

Back to this walk though......It was one mile and 106 feet in elevation. It was pretty easy to get through and my lower left side of my back didn't really hurt during the walk. It was sore, but it didn't hurt. Maybe I was so focused on my thigh so I didn't realize my back hurt. Who knows. Below is the screen shot from the iFit website that shows my pace, calories, elevation, distance and all that other stuff on there. It also shows a map of where the walk was. So for anyone who is not familiar with iFit, I'll give you a brief description. 

With iFit, you have the option of doing "live" workouts where an instructor is there to help guide you through it. They talk to you as they walk through some beautiful place like a beach or a mountain or something. The treadmill changes elevation as you go along. These aren't really live though since it's on demand, but they have an instructor so I think they call them live. It's not like Pelaton where it's an actual live class. I've only done one of these because I usually walk when my husband is in the room or asleep and I try to keep the noise down. There is no way to get the audio to play through headphones. I'm sure it's some safety feature so you don't have your ears blocked, but it's really annoying since I'm going to wear headphones connected to my phone and it would be safer if I was connected to the machine so I could hear the beeps for elevation and speed changes.

The other option is the Google Earth workouts. There are a bunch of pre-fab ones or you can do your own. The screen on the treadmill will show a slideshow of what Google Earth has for that GPS point. I'm sure I'm not explaining this well. They'll put a bunch of these together into a theme for a challenge so like 5k races from each of the 50 states or 30 1 mile runs from across the world. 

After the walk is over, the stats show up in my workout section on the website. There are options to show different stats in the grid at the bottom. I have them all checked. The workouts seem to stay there forever unless I delete them. I haven't found a way to easily compare the same workout if I do it twice though. That part is a bit annoying. I'd like to be able to see both of them at once so I can compare. 

Alright, I've rambled on enough for now. Stay tuned for more walks and we signed up for another mail order subscription service, sooooooo I can't wait to get that and write about it. I love subscription boxes. I might go back to Cairn again if we start hiking again. I don't think I ever did any reviews of the boxes that I did get. I don't think we really ended up using many of the items since we weren't hiking much. 

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