Sunday, June 26, 2016

Review of Couch to 5K Round 2 Week 3 Day 3

I'm behind on these posts again so I'm going to go through a marathon posting spree. I hate getting behind. When I do round three of C25K, I'd really like to go back and re-read these like I re-read the ones from my round one while doing round 2. I just get so busy with editing and work so the blog ends up suffering. I need to make time for it though because I enjoy doing this and I love being able to look back at my workouts.

Okay so Week 3 day 3 was on a Monday instead of a Friday because I'm still screwed up from missed workout on the holiday. I have a plan to fix that though.

Week 3 Day 3 was the same as the previous two workouts. After five minute warm up, I jogged for 90 seconds, walked for 90 seconds, jogged for three minutes, walked for three minutes and then repeated from the 90 seconds of jogging. Then I did a five minute cool down. Hubby didn't feel like going with me so I ran on the street. I went down the high school and around to the middle school. Not that most of you know where I'm talking about, but I know. I picked this route because it would have me end up a downhill/flat section. The run wasn't that bad. I was definitely ready to turn left and start the downhill! It's not much of a downhill, but it's enough to make a huge difference in my speed and my breathing! I don't have much to say about this run. I have to admit that I don't remember much about it and in fact had to edit this post because I including stuff in it from the wrong workout.

Polar M400 Screen Shots

Here are the screen shots from the workout. My screen shots from last year, are MPH, but this year they are Minutes Per Mile which complicates things when I'm trying to compare last year to this year. I think I was faster this time during my runs. I kind of want to switch back to MPH so I can compare last year to this year better, but if I switch, it will make comparing my progress on this round more difficult. I'll just leave it alone for now I suppose. 

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