Sunday, January 31, 2016

Review of Beachbody 10 Minute Trainer Day 20: Abs, Lower Body, Cardio

Day 20: 

Day 20 of 10 Minute Trainer was Abs, Lower Body and Cardio. I woke up early so I could workout, but then I procrastinated too long and didn't have time to workout before we went to Albany. Once we got home, working out was the last thing I wanted to do. I procrastinated for awhile once again, but eventually I got up and started my workout. 


I'm not a fan of any ab workout. I've said that numerous times. I was so not looking forward to starting out with abs. My upper back was still pretty sore from my foam rolling experience the night before. Laying down on my back was so not an enjoyable experience. It hurt to  lay there, but it hurt worse to crunch. The pain isn't in my spine so it was safe for me to workout. The pain was all muscular. Foam rolling intensely on a new body part leaves me bruises up a bit. I actually have visible bruises this time. I used my black rumble roller on my upper back and that was the first time for that, so it was torture doing it and it's been a bit torturous ever since. I tried to be strong for all of the things we stayed in plank for, but my shoulders were killing me too! Getting through this 10 minute segment was pretty hard for me. I really wanted to stop, but I kept going. You can see all the moves on my post from Day 3 of 10 Minute Trainer

Lower Body

I like this workout, but I really just wanted to go sit on the couch. I stuck to it though and finished this thing. I couldn't really remember most of the moves. My brain was just firing on all cylinders. I tried to go deeper into my squats and lunges. I tried to keep my speed up in the fast section of the In and Out Hop Squats. I think that's what he called them. I hate this move. It's a minute of torture for me, but for some reason, I don't remember it. I don't look at doing this with dread. I like doing this workout, so why is it that I forget about this move that I hate so much? I'm not really sure. You can see all the moves on my post from Day 4 of 10 Minute Trainer


I like this segment. My head wasn't in it today though. I couldn't remember the moves that were coming which I suppose is a good thing since it probably means I wasn't bored with it. I worked on getting deep into the Warrior Lunges and coming back without my stutter step. I think I managed to get through all of them without the stutter step. I did have some balance issues and my back foot might have been in Crescent position instead of Warrior position, but I'm just thrilled that I got through them without the stutter step. It kind of makes me want to go try a Hammer and Chisel workout and see how I do with the lunges. Okay maybe not. My legs were fried after doing this workout. I was soooooooooo tired I just wanted to crawl in bed and fall asleep!  You can see all the moves on my post from Day 1 of 10 Minute Trainer

Polar M400 Screen Shots

Here are the Polar M400 screen shots for the workout. I'm still not sure what's up with the training load. Maybe one day I'll actually Google it and figure it out. I'm pretty impressed that I didn't have any disconnects on the heart rate monitor during the ab workout! I think I've got a section towards the end of the cardio workout where it did disconnect, but I think that's when I got down on the floor to do some cool down stuff. Maybe I don't need a new battery! Oh it's driving me crazy.

Want to learn more? Watch the video!

If you want to learn more about the program, check out the video. If you decide you want to buy it, make sure you buy it from a Beachbody Coach so you get the free workout that comes with it. If you don't have a coach, you can get it from me. You can do the program for free if you sign up for the free trial of the Club Membership at Team Beachbody. With the trial, you get 30 days access to all of the workout programs in the Member Library of On Demand. 10 Minute Trainer is one of the programs and since it's a 4 week program, you can complete the program before the trial is complete.

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