Saturday, October 31, 2015

Review of Cize: The End of Exercize: Day 24: Full Out

Day 24: Full Out

This was the first workout of Week 2, which was the wee where things went a little downhill for me. I wasn't looking forward to doing this workout again. It was just hard for me the first time around and the second and the third. I was happy to put this workout behind me when I started week three, although I did know that it would be coming back. 

I gotta say that I'm glad it did. I'm really glad that they did the advanced calendar the way that they did. This final week where I had to do all of the workouts again was really amazing. While doing this workout, I kept thinking to myself, "Why was this so hard the first time I did it?" It just wasn't that hard this time around. I can't say that I was perfect and I won't say that I remembered every move, but I had fun and I got through it. I felt like I was dancing instead of doing a workout video. It was awesome sauce!

Polar M400 Screen Shots

If I had done this workout again right after finishing it, I should have gotten pretty close to 1000 calories in an hour! That's just amazing! This is another one where the heart rate monitor shows that it's kind of a HIIT workout. 

Want to Learn More? Watch the Video! 

If you decide to buy Cize, make sure you buy it from a Beachbody Coach so you can get the best price and the FREE workout! If you don't have a coach, you can sign up to get me as your coach! Shipping is about half the price through a coach and you get all of the same workouts that you'd get through the infomercial plus an extra one that you can't get through the infomercial. 

**Edited to fix the day because I jumped from 21 to 23**

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