Saturday, October 31, 2015

Cize: The End of Exercise: Day 23: Rest Day

Day 23: Rest Day

Rest Day was actually supposed to be Day 21, but since Day 21 fell in the middle of the week, I just did my rest day on Saturday. We went for a hike that weekend too, but I have no idea where we went. We might have gone on the trail along the Deschutes over by the Old Mill District, but I can't remember. I really am bummed that I didn't do all of these posts as things were happening. It's been driving me insane for weeks, but I just haven't had the time to get them updated. I've missed this! It's very therapeutic and it might just be what I need to kick myself in the butt and get moving again. 

**Edited to fix the day because I jumped from 21 to 23**

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