Saturday, October 31, 2015

Review of Cize: The End of Exercize Day 20: Livin' in the 8s

Day 20: Livin' in the 8s

I'm a wee bit late in updating the blog. It's been a few weeks since I finished the program. My husband's work schedule changed and I haven't been able to keep up with the blog. I really want to change that though. I miss doing this! I wish I could just blog all day long! So much has been going on with me lately as far as food and my plans on how to get rid of all of this fat! I wanted to blog about all of that, but I couldn't do that until I got my Cize workouts caught up, so here I go! 

Day 20 of Cize was Livin in the 8s. If you've been following along, you know that this workout was pretty challenging for me. There were just so many steps! This was the last workout of week three. I was pretty happy for week three to be over! At this point, I really just wanted to be done with the program so I could earn my socks and move on with life. It's crazy how I adored this program for the first week, but then quickly lost the love in weeks two and three. 

Polar M400 Screen Shots

Here are the screen shots from the workout. Check out that calorie burn! Look at my heart rate go up and up and up. This isn't advertised as a HIIT workout, but it kind of is. See how my heart rate goes up and stays there for several seconds and then comes down for several seconds. It's almost in designed intervals too. Pretty amazing stuff! This is why I love charts and graphs and pretty colors! 

Want to Learn More? Watch the Video! 

If you decide to buy Cize, make sure you buy it from a Beachbody Coach so you can get the best price and the FREE workout! If you don't have a coach, you can sign up to get me as your coach! Shipping is about half the price through a coach and you get all of the same workouts that you'd get through the infomercial plus an extra one that you can't get through the infomercial. 

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