Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Rockin' Body Day 23: Disco Groove and Hard Core Abs

Day 23: Disco Groove and Hard Core Abs

Day 23 on the Advanced Calendar was Disco Groove and Hard Core Abs. I actually did the correct workouts for Day 23. Shocking as it may seem. It was nice to do another dancing workout! I wasn't really all that thrilled with having to do Hard Core Abs, but it is what it is and I'm sure it's making my abs stronger. That beginning section isn't as crazy hard as it used to me. 

I got the crazy idea of recording me doing the dancing segments! I'm not quite ready to put them up here, but watching them did make me feel more confident. I'm so excited too because I figured out how to make my feet and arms move correctly during one of the sections that was hard for me. I also improved a little bit in a different section. Overall, I think I rocked this one today! Was I perfect? NO! Did I have fun? YES!

Polar M400 Screen Shots

I find it interesting that I get the altitude some times. I'm pretty impressed with the calorie burn on the Disco Groove. 

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