Day 7: Party Express and Hard-Core Abs
So, Day 7 is actually supposed to be a rest day, but I didn't do the first week of this program on consecutive days. It took me about a week and a half to get through the first full week since I was still finishing up Couch two 5K when I started Rockin' Body. I wasn't really intending to complete the entire program. I just wanted to try the different workouts, but then things changed and now my calendar is messed up. I'm okay with that though. I'm having fun and that's what matters really. I was all messed up on the calendar during Body Beast, so I'm used to it.
I'm getting pretty good at Party Express. I did the hopping part for a lot of it, but then I just wasn't really in a hopping mood so I just modified like the person in the workout and stepped forward and back and side to side. My legs are still recovering from the hike earlier in the week and I'm still planning a run for Saturday, so I didn't want to cause too much stress to my calves. I'm really starting to get some groove into some of my moves, especially this one where you plant your feet wide and bounces up and down a little while you take our arms across you chest and then back out and then across your chest and then you roll them and then clap. I'm not sure i described that well, but just know that I'm a total badass when I do it. :) At least I feel like a total badass. Who knows what I actually look like doing it. I don't have mirrors in there.
I so did not want to work out yesterday. I was tired and cranky. Hubby and I had talked about going for a walk, but he decided he didn't want to wake up at 4:00. Not that I blame him. It really does suck waking up before the chickens. I forced myself to do it once again and was happy for it, but I really didn't want to do the ab routine. That thing just kills my shoulders. I have to take breaks with my arms. I've done Body Beast, 21 Day Fix, PiYo, and Les Mills Combat, but a 10 minute ab routine from Rockin' Body will bring me to my knees! It's all good though. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger right?
One other thing I wanted to mention.......I'm pretty surprised at how sore I've been. It's not the same kind of sore from when I did Body Beast where sitting on the toilet was a challenge, but this is a dancing workout. I wasn't really expecting to have any muscle soreness. I can definitely feel it in my shoulders and I have for pretty much the entire time I've been doing this program. I can feel it in my abs on some days and I can feel it in my glutes too! It's not enough to call it pain, but I can definitely feel it and I definitely know I worked out the day before. This program is no joke! I'm done a couple pounds after a week! Woot Woot!
Polar M400 Screen Shots
Here are my screen shots from the workout. The arm movements in Hard-Core Abs really gets the heart rate up there. I was in 4 for about half the workout, but I barely made it into 4 during the 25 minute Party Express.
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