Day 6 Party Express and Disco Groove
Yesterday was Party Express and Disco Groove. It was going to be a walk day with hubby though instead, but his back was sore when he woke up. These two workouts together are a bit long, so that meant that I needed to get myself motivated pretty early! I managed to do it though. I was actually looking forward to doing the workout since I'm trying to master these dance moves.
I may have mentioned this earlier, but I can't remember. I know I told my husband this. I'm actually finding these workouts to be cheap therapy. I'm using them to overcome some of my insecurity issues. I know that no one can see me, so it doesn't matter how stupid I look, but I don't like to look like an idiot in front of myself. I don't like to feel incompetent and stupid. That's what dance workouts have always made me feel before, but not this series! I love Shaun T.
I've read some negative reviews about these workouts and they talk about how cheesy they are and they bash on the concept of them, but I gotta say that I think the cheesy side of it and the over the top Rock Star production side of it is why this s working for me. It's helping me loosen up. Since the concept is a bit cheesy and over the top, it's okay for me to be silly. The whole thing is pretty silly. I'm not making fun of it in any way shape or form. I love these workouts and the cheese factor is really working for me! I've never gotten through a dance workout and thought to myself........"I wanna do this gain!" I've never before thought about sharing the program with anyone else, but I can't wait to get through this program, so I can tell all of the people on the Walk Away the Pounds message boards how awesome it is! I know there are a lot of people doing Walk Away the Pounds because of the simplicity of it and because they can't handle choreography of more fun workouts like these. I can handle it though so I'm sure they can too!
I'm really rambling now! I need to get focused. I've done both of these workouts before. This is I think my third time with Party Express and my second time with Disco Groove. I'm getting better at them! I've got the first section of Party Express figured out and most of the second section. I've got the first section of Disco Groove figured out, but I'm all over the place with the second section. I've made progress so I'm happy with that!
I can't remember if I mentioned this yet or not, but it's something that just hit me this week. In the past, I've tried dance workouts once and then decided that I suck at dancing an I can't do choreography so I give up. I want to dance though. I feel music in my ones. When I walk around and here a good song, I want to throw my hands up in the air and shake it like I just don't care. I really do. These dance workouts usually just don't work for me, but this week, I realized that maybe I just never gave them a chance. While watching So You Think You Can Dance, I realized that these awesome dancers who get on the show and do these Emmy Award winning routines suck on the first day of rehearsal. On day 1 you would think that it's going to be a train wreck on stage, but it's not! They practice and practice and practice, so why should I (a person with no dance background whatsoever) be able to pop a DVD in and master it on the first try? It's just silly to think that. These workouts are different than doing squats, lunges and pushups. When I started those, I start with low weights and possibly a modification of some sort. As I continue with the program, I get better. I can add weight, get a better range of motion and reduce the modification. With Rockin' Body, I'm starting by trying to master the moves even if I don't have a groove with them. I just need to master where to put my limbs at any given time. As I get better with that, I can add some groove and flavor to it. Right now, I'm able to add a little groove to the first half of each of them and I'm still working on mastering the steps in the second half of each. I'll get there. I've got three weeks to go!
Wow! This turned into a really long post! Click the picture at the top of the post if you're interested in purchasing the program.
Polar M400 Screen Shots
Here are the screen shots for the workout. These workouts really keep my heart rate going!
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