Day 5: Hip Hop Abs Cardio Groove Dance Party
Today was Day 5 of Rockin' Body, but the workout that I was supposed to do, Shaun T's Dance Party, wasn't on the On Demand list of workouts! I wasn't sure what to do about that, so I sought the help of some fellow Beachbody coaches. One of them mentioned that it might be in the Hip Hop Abs section, so I went and checked it out. There was a whole section of Shaun T Dance party workouts, but nothing was called Shaun T's Dance Party and none of them were listed as 45 minutes, so I just did the one that was 40 minutes. Turns out, it's actually 47 minutes if you do the challenge at the end.
This workout was very similar to the stuff in Rockin' Body, but it was filmed in a regular workout studio instead of being filmed in front of a live studio audience. He was a bit toned down in this workout too. He was still upbeat and fun, but he wasn't over the top like in Rockin' Body. The format was pretty much the same. We learned one step and then built on it and then added another step and built on it and then put them together.
We learned a couple different dances during this workout, and then at the end, there was a challenge where you put all of the moves together into one big dance. I didn't leave enough time for the challenge though so I didn't do it.
None of the moves in this workout where terribly challenging. There was a lot of side steps, knee lifts, some kicks and a few other things. You don't really have to dance them up like he does, but it makes it more fun. I enjoy just watching him dance while I'm doing less of the dancing stuff. I do try to groove it up when I can, but it's hard while I'm still learning the moves. I had a thought today though......I get all down on myself when I can't seem to do the moves very well, but I have to remember that I'm just learning these moves. Even professional dancers need to practice! If I still suck at the steps at the end of the four weeks, maybe I'll care, but for now......I'm just happy that I'm doing something that's fun!
Polar M400 Screen Shots
Check out my calorie burn! I love seeing high numbers! This thing kept my heart rate up as well.
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