Saturday, May 23, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 73: Build Back and Bis

Day 73: Build Back and Bis

Day 73 of the Lean Program for Beachbody Body Beast was Build Back and Bis. This is one of my favorite workouts! I went up in some of the weights, but stayed the same in others. I did the pull ups on my belly and really felt them. My shoulder wasn't all wonky for the lat pullovers like it's been. That made me quite happy! I still have some crunchies in there, but it's not like it was before. I felt really good during this workout. I felt stronger. I didn't feel like the last few reps were as torturous as some of them have been in previous workouts. I didn't really have DOMS the next day, but my back did feel a bit tingly. Kind of of my legs used to feel during PiYo. I'm going to miss this workout. I think I have to just go ahead and buy Body Beast. I'm not 100% certain that I'll go through a complete 90 day cycle, but I think having these around to fill in when I want to do some old school lifting will be nice. I could just use the worksheets, but I want the free workout and the Tempo workouts so I might as well just buy the whole thing. I kinda like doing it with the video on. It keeps me from slowing down too much although there are some workouts with a lot of rest between moves and that gets a little annoying. It mainly only happens in the workouts with the EZ bar. I don't have an EZ bar so I just use dumbbells. It's a lot easier to grab a new set of dumbbells than it is to pull the safeties off, add or remove plates, and then put the safeties back on. Some of the moves are just as easy to do with the dumbbells too so I'm not sure why they use the EZ bar. It just adds to the expense of an already expensive program. I'm rambling now! 

The Worksheet

Here's the worksheet. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

I'm always surprised with the activity minutes on this one. I'm still not sure if it's because of all the arm movements or maybe this one just has a ton of waiting and I'm walking around more. I'm not really sure. 

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