Saturday, May 16, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 66: Bulk Shoulders

Day 66: Bulk Shoulders

Day 66 of the Lean Program of Body Beast was Bulk Shoulders. This one is pretty intense but I was thankful not to be doing Sagi's 6 Way! I learned something during this workout. What did I learn? I learned that I'm a dork. For 5 weeks, I did one of these moves wrong! It wasn't really wrong in a bad way like I was going to injure myself, but it was wrong in the sense that I was doing way more work than I needed to and it explained why I was slow doing the move. Okay, so the Alternating Front Raises are just that. Alternating Front Raises. I was doing them as 1-1-2 like the Hammer Curls in a different workout. I was doing the left and then the right and then both at the same time. No wonder I was in horrible pain from doing these and then having the Plate Twist Twist right after it! I figured it out at the beginning of this set and the Plate Twist Twist was sooooooooooo much easier! OMG! I wish I had realized this sooner. Oh well. I have noticed some definition in the front of my shoulders and maybe this is the reason for it! I enjoyed doing this workout! I totally felt like I had fried my shoulders too. I could barely pick up my hands to wash my hair after I was done! I'm glad that I stuck with this program even though I wanted to give up so many times! My legs were killing me from leg day yesterday! I'm pretty sure that Build Legs is harder on my body than Bulk Legs. 

The Worksheet

Here's the worksheet! I didn't really do anything different with the weights on this one. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Here's yet another rather unimpressive screen shot. I'm surprised by the 9 minutes of total activity though.  

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