Saturday, May 9, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 61: Build Shoulders

Day 61: Build Shoulders

Day 61 of the Body Beast Lean Program is Build Shoulders! This workout was torture for the first phase of the workout and it's still torture! My shoulders are crazy wimpy. I think you can tell by the low weights on my worksheet. It was nice not to do the Arnold Press on shoulder day, but I think the Sagi Six Way might be worse! I'm not really sure. They both are total killers! My shoulders were so weak during and after this workout. It was a challenge just to pick up my water bottle. Washing my hair wasn't easy either. The next day, my shoulders were a bit sore as well! 

The Worksheet

Here's the worksheet! I went down in some of the weights for the first set so I could go up for the second and third sets. During the first phase of the program, I did a lot of the reps with the same weights because I had completely forgotten that I had two pound weighted balls so I started with the fives on some of these moves and then I was too beat to go up. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Here's the screen shot. Woot Woot. Four whole minutes of total activity. 

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