Saturday, May 9, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 58: Bulk Legs

Day 58: Bulk Legs

Day 58 of Body Beast the Lean program was Bulk Legs. I'm not a huge fan of this workout because it's torture! I have to pause the DVD for the front and back lunges, so it takes longer than it's supposed to for me. I don't think my balance is getting any better on these. I'm looking forward to doing Tai Cheng because it's supposed to help my balance! I did get some improvement in this workout though. I dropped the weight for the Stiff Leg Deadlift which oddly enough made it so I was able to do the side to side squats without pausing the DVD! That made me happy happy happy! What else makes me happy happy happy is the fact that I only have to do this workout once more before this round of Body Beast is done! Woot Woot! I also learned that the annoying guy is less annoying when the volume is really low! 

The Worksheet

Here's the worksheet for the workout. 

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Here's the screen shot for the workout. Look at all those activity minutes! This workout is crazy torture, but I like those activity minutes! (Editing to have the correct screen shot)

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