Monday, May 4, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 56: Rest Day

Day 56: Rest Day

Day 56 was Rest Day. It turned into two days of rest. I wanted to get back on track with the calendar. It really bothers me when my start day isn't Monday. On Saturday, I did some shopping and regular household chores. On Sunday, hubby and I went for a hike. You can read about the hike in my Deschutes River Trail post. The day after the hike, my shins were sore! The walk wasn't really challenging, but my shins did not like it, which really sucks because I had planned on starting to do C25K in my living room at night after work. I know that sounds kinda odd, but I'm going to jog and walk in place while doing the C25K app. I figure if I do that for a few weeks, it might help burn off some of this fat that I've packed on while doing Body Beast. It's not Body Beast that's making me gain weight. I'm eating things I shouldn't be eating, and I'm having issues trying to stop myself. I know there is a lot going on with the why of it all, but since I can't seem to control the eating, I need to get in more activity while I work on getting the eating under control. I will say that I'm in a much better mood today than I've been for the past few weeks. It was nice getting out and doing a hike. I've been working so much lately between my day job, mystery shopping and editing that I haven't gotten out and done anything else really. Hopefully hubby's new schedule will help my mood stay where it's at now and then maybe I'll get the eating under control. 

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