Saturday, April 4, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 27: Bulk Shoulders

Day 27: Bulk Shoulders

I was kind of fearing this workout. My shoulders are just so wimpy. I've gotten through Build Shoulders without really getting any soreness from it, but I figured Bulk Shoulders would be more challenging. It certainly was just that! There were a few moves that were really hard! The Arnold Press was just killer. The Plank Twist-Twist sucked really bad. I had those fat farts again. I hate those. My shoulders were also killing me during that move. OMG the worst move in this entire workout though was the Plate Twist Twist. It seems so easy and I only used a 2.5lb plate, but OMG it was hard! My arms were killing me after that little bit. I could barely lift my arms to wash my hair!

The Worksheet

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Here's another unimpressive screen shot. I got a whopping 6 minutes of total activity. 

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