Saturday, March 14, 2015

Beachbody Body Beast Day 14: Build Legs

Day 14: Build Legs

Two weeks of Body Beast done! This program is pretty intense. My whole body hurts all the time. Except on Rest Day. By Rest Day, I'm feeling alright. Leg day didn't go so well for me. I was just exhausted after it was done. I know I didn't eat very well that day and I think I was starting to get sick too. This workout is crazy hard. There are so many lunges it's crazy. Once upon a time, I had a hard time getting DOMS in my hamstrings, but this workout gets me there every time. I added weight to the bar during the Single Leg Deadlifts. It really made a difference too! After I did this workout, I sat on my weight bench for a good 15 minutes I think. I made it to the bench, but had absolutely no energy to stand up and walk out of my workout room. 

The Worksheet

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Here is the screen shot for the workout. 

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