Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weight Watchers Day 7

Today was Day 7 of Weight Watchers. It was a Sunday so I was off work. I was pretty low on my points so I threw a peanut butter sandwich in again after dinner. I'm still amazed at how I'm low on points on the weekend, but not during the week. Why am I always hungry during the work week, but on the weekend, I don't even want to eat. I don't seem to be eating as many veggies on the weekend and I didn't eat fruit at all today. I need to work on my nutrition a bit. I think I was having a more balanced plan while doing the 21 Day Fix, but I feel a lot less restricted while doing Weight Watchers.

I'm not sure if I'm going to continue doing this posts. It's getting annoying to do the cutting and pasting to make these screen shots. I really wish the app had a better place to show all of this stuff in one spot. I want to like this app since I paid for it, but I'm getting a bit disgruntled with it. I suppose the app isn't that bad if you don't care about posting stuff on your blog about it. It's easy to use and it keeps track of my points. For $1.99, it's a decent app.

I lost a pound this week. I'm a bit disappointed that it was only a pound though. I worked out hard and I was within my points each day. I did eat soup twice though. Salt is just horrible for me. I used to think that it was just bad for the retained water that day, but I'm slowly discovering that it hampers my weight loss for the week. Maybe I'm still retaining some water and I'll drop some more weight in the next couple of days, but I'm still bummed about only a pound. I should be happy that I lost a pound. I should be happy to be so close to the 250s, but I'm bummed.

Points Plus Diary Screen Shot

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