Saturday, January 3, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 5 Food

Day 5 Food

I had the day off from work again so my food was a bit different in some places, but it was also very similar to the rest of the week.

Breakfast Shakology mixed with my homemade 2% yogurt. I managed to get a nice thick yogurt with this batch. For some reason, Organic Valley Milk makes a nice thick yogurt, but other organic milks just don't do the same. This was my first time eating yogurt with a spoon. I've never liked yogurt in my entire life, but for some reason, I decided that I needed to get yogurt into my life a few months ago. It's been a long process. I've been too chicken to actually try eating the yogurt with a spoon. I've always made it runnier so I can jut chug it. It was time to put on my big girl panties and try this out. No more excuses of not having the time to deal with it because I had to get to work. The results were pretty amazing. Vanilla Shakeology mixed with my homemade yogurt was pretty much like eating vanilla pudding. I couldn't taste the tangy yogurt and the texture was seriously like pudding. It was awesome! 2 Red 

Brunch Left over fritatta with pepper and zucchini and an apple. 2 purple, 1-1/2 red, 1 green

Lunch A giant salad with some raisins and a turkey burger with cheese. I know that I'm not supposed to eat raisins, but I've already said that I just don't care. I don't eat many with the salad and it's just to give me a little bit of a break between all the lettuce. The sweetness really makes the salad tolerable. I used my homemade walnut oil and lemon dressing too. The day before, it was great, but for this meal, it was really super peppery. All of the pepper must have sunk to the bottom of the bottle so I didn't get any the day before. I could barely finish my salad, but I powered on! 4 green, 1 red, 1 orange, 

Snack Peanut Butter sandwich with my green juice. I'm still not sure how the juicing works with the fix, but I'm not really too concerned with it. I'm going to juice because it gets me a huge hit of nutrients and I get the stuff from foods that I just won't eat. I know broccoli is good for me, but I can't eat it without wanting to throw up. I'm slowly working on my childhood food issues so cut me some slack. I eat yogurt! I eat oatmeal! Eventually, maybe I'll be able to eat broccoli. The peanut butter sandwich had 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and it was only on one slice of bread. 1 yellow, 3 green, 1/2 purple, 3 tsps

Dinner Turkey burger with cheese and left over stuffed peppers with rice, beans and corn. I forgot to tell hubby that I only wanted cheese on my beef burger and not on the turkey burgers. I gave up my cashews so I could have cheese, but it turned into giving up my cashews for a few days since we ended up with cheese on all the turkey burgers. I guess it was a good call though because those turkey burgers were a bit dry. 1 green, 3 yellow, 1 red, 1 blue

Dessert Blueberry Frozen Yogurt and 3 teaspoons of peanut butter. 1 purple, a smidge red and 3 teaspoons


Green 8 -  Purple 3-1/2 - Red 5-1/2 and a smidge - Yellow 4 - Blue 1 - Orange 1 - Teaspoons 6

I'm a wee bit over on my greens, but no one ever got fat eating anything that I put into a green container today. I'm a little under on my red, but I may have also underestimated how much the turkey burger took up so I'm sure I'm fine there. I'm pretty satisfied with how this day turned out as far as food. It could have gone so badly. I met someone at a coffee shop between breakfast and brunch. She offered to buy me something. They had pastries and bad for me breakfast sandwiches, but I was still full from my shakeology pudding breakfast so I was able to decline and be fine with it. I usually don't do so well with nutrition on days that I don't work. Work gives me structure. I have set breaks and I eat at set times. When I'm home, I'm often not very hungry and can go from my breakfast until like 2:00 PM without eating. It's not good for me and I know this, but I'll do it because I'm out shopping and forgot to bring a snack. On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes I get the major munchies and just want to eat everything in the house. I didn't do that. I managed to survive Thursday being home with hubby all day and Friday me being home alone all day and still keep my nutrition fairly well on point. I'm pretty dang happy with that! 

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