Monday, November 10, 2014

Trapped in a Fat Chick Bonus Calorie Burn while Watching TV

What I did and why

We recently started watching The Biggest Loser on Hulu. It just seemed wrong to sit there and watch it, so I started working out during the show. My original plan was to just do my foam rolling, but I can't foam roll every day. My body just hurts so much the next day!

So last Thursday, I decided to use our step while watching. I set my BodyMedia workout tab to 60 minutes and just did my own thing. I did some basic steps for the beginning and then I started to mix it up. I did some step ups with knee lifts and I also did some lateral moves up and over the step. I got a nice calorie burn and was still able to watch TV! The next day, my calves were sore! 

Sunday, I slacked off and didn't workout. My body was pretty sore, but I still wanted to do something. I knew that I shouldn't do the step, so I did my own Leslie Sansone workout. I downloaded an interval timer on my smart phone. I set it to one minute intervals. I then mixed up walking, side steps, knee lifts, front kicks and jogging in place. After I did all of those once, I just alternated between jogging and walking in place for about 20 minutes. I needed a bit of a jogging break at that point, so I went through all five of them again. I then went back to walking and jogging intervals. I did that for a bit and then did all five again. Then I went back to jogging and walking. The last few minutes I just did walking and side steps. The next day, my ENTIRE body hurt! My chest and my abs were the surprising parts I know some of it was still being sore from kettlebells, but this was more than just that! Now, I really want to do C25K! You don't need fancy equipment to get a good workout in. My workout without the step actually burned more calories than the one with the step! I got pretty close to 20 calories per minute just jogging in place in my living room!

BodyMedia Screen Shots

The top one is from the step workout and the bottom one is the walking/jogging one. Crazy stuff! I think I'm going to do both of these again! 

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