Friday, June 20, 2014

Trapped in a Fat Chick's 20 Minute Step and Walk Workout

What I did and why

It was a rest day today for Les Mills Combat, but I'm in a 43 day activity challenge so I had to do something. The day didn't go well and it was nearly 7:00 PM before I got up to workout. I was in a cruddy mood and could only convince myself to do 20 minutes of activity. I'm pretty happy that I was able to even do that!

The Workout

I started out by walking on the step doing the basic step the left leg up then the right, then the left down and the right down. Rinse and repeat. When I got bored with that, I did side steps up and over the step. I was on the left of the step. I stepped my right leg onto the step over towards the right of the step. I then stepped my left foot up onto the step. Then the right foot came down a bit over on the right and the left came down to match it. I then did it in reverse. I alternated between these two for five minutes. I didn't keep tabs on the time and I didn't use my arms. I wasn't trying for any speed records. I was just trying to get through 20 minutes of movement.

After five minutes, I got off the step and started doing side steps while pushing out my arms and pulling them back in. I did that for one minute. I then walked in place pretty fast for one minute. I alternated between the side steps and the walking in place for five minutes.

I then got back up on the step and alternated with the same moves from the first five minutes, but I did them in one minute intervals this time.

After five minutes, I got off the step and went back to the walking in place and side steps. I jogged for one of the walking segments but realized that I didn't have a sports bra on so I gave up on the jogging. Apparently that bra is better than I thought it was. I went slow for the last minute and considered it my cool down.

We watched 4400 while I walked. It's a lot easier to do something you don't want to do while doing something that you do want to do.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

I'm pretty impressed that I convinced myself to get off the couch. I'm further impressed that i was able to get 8 minutes of vigorous activity out of that! I'm a bit annoyed that I only got 19 minutes of total activity, but the first minute was pretty slow. I just wasn't in the mood to workout. It was a rest day with Les Mills Combat and I wanted my dang rest day! 


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