Monday, March 3, 2014

The Biggest Loser Calorie Knockout Extreme Cardio for Maximum Burn Circuit 2

Since today was Monday, I did a Biggest Loser DVD. I'm trying to do these strength training workouts early in the week so I can be done with the pain by the time the weekend has arrived! I picked this workout because it was due back to the library and it had a 15 minute circuit which would ahve me about 25 minutes including the warm up and the cool down. I picked the second circuit this time. I did the first circuit on February 18th. You can read about that one here.

This one has three different circuits plus the warm up and cool down. The DVD will let you select which parts you want to do. It's pretty easy to set them up. The warm up starts off with jumping invisible rope. Oh joy, bouncing! It had other basic warm up type stuff, but nothing too terribly memorable. The warm up lasted about five minutes. 

Once the warm up is done, it goes right into the workout. This circuit uses weights, but I didn't have them, so I didn't use them. Bob Harper is the leader for the second circuit. This segment is made up of circuits that include a strength training move, followed by a cardio type thing and finishes up with a yoga type move. For example, you start off with lunges. First you do them with weights down by your side. Then you do them while doing shoulder presses. Then you put the weights down and go down into a lunge position and jump up out of it while raising your hands up over your head. Once all of that is done, you go into a warrior 2 pose. Another example is some push ups and planks followed by holding a push up position while doing the leg portion of jumping jack. You then follow that up with a downward facing dog yoga pose. 

I wasn't a huge fan of this circuit. It pretty much included absolutely everything that I detest as far as a workout goes. It started with lunges and ended with push ups. I had to do a lot of the modifications, but the people who were doing the modifications were tucked in the back row which made it difficult to watch them. I also gave up on a number of the exercises before he told us to stop. My legs were on fire! The warm up didn't get me warmed up enough. I'm sure I'll be in pain tomorrow, but I'm starting to feel like these Biggest Loser workouts are just not my thing. I don't mind doing squats or lunges if I can go at my own pace instead of having the cardio aspect added to it. I know it will burn more calories to do it this way, but if it's so miserable that I won't do it, that's not going to burn any calories.

Here are my BodyMedia and Nexercise screen shots for the day. The big blue blob on the left is the workout. The rest of it is me walking around at work.


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