Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk at Home - Walk Away Your Waistline 3 Mile

I was still sore this morning from doing The Biggest Loser Power X-Train, so I picked a walking DVD. Unfortunately, I only had a 3 mile or a 4 mile that I hadn't reviewed. I really wanted to do another review today, so I threw in a 3 mile. This one included the belt, but I didn't have that, so I didn't use it. Two of the walkers don't use it. 

This walk gives you the option to do 1 mile, 2 miles or the full 3 miles. I did the full three miles so I'm not sure exactly how it's broken up if you don't do the full workout. I do know that it's not three separate workouts. Once you hit play, you do NOT have time to go get your water or set up your BodyMedia device workout tab

The workout starts with marching in place. You then go through the other three basic moves which are side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. Once you've gone through all of those, she gets your arms into the mix. You do things like lift them over your head, stretch them out to our sides or reach in front of you. Once your arms and legs are all warmed up, you start to use the belt. The sections with the belt are pretty short. When you're not using the belt, she has you tuck the handles into the belt. This makes you look like you're wearing Charlie Brown's shirt. This gave me something to look at other than the perma smiles on the people in the video. What is it with these people. I'm huffing and puffing and they are all smiley. It can get rather annoying.

This was a very fast paced walk. Much much faster than the previous ones that I have reviewed. There is little marching in between movements. I had a hard time catching a water break. By the end of the first mile, my calves were killing me! This does have mile markers. She warns you way before the mile marker that she has an announcement coming up. She gets all giddy about it and then finally tells you that you made it through another mile. The mile marker takes up the whole screen and you don't see the walkers. I think this is due to the way that you can choose the 1 mile, 2 mile or 3 mile workouts. 

Other than just the four basic moves, you also do kick backs, double side steps, double knee lifts, walking forward to counts, walking backwards two counts, side stepping forwards for four steps and back four steps, tap outs (Your right leg will step out and tap and then rejoin your left, and then your do the same with your left) and this weird almost lunge thing that just fries my knees so I just do a tap out when I do those. Your arms will get a bit of a workout with this one too. I didn't have the belt, but my shoulders were still sore. There is a nice little tricep section on the arms too. Its hard to work my triceps, but this move is pretty simple. With the belt, I would imagine that it would be pretty effective.

The sound quality and video quality were both good. However, the songs didn't run continuously. After one song ended, there was this weird silence. She would then comment on the music ending and then talk about picking up the beat of the next song. I found that a bit annoying, but got over it quickly. This walk was done in a studio with a hardwood floor. That was nice because you could hear their footsteps on it. I liked that, but others might find it annoying. It wasn't loud; it was just enough to help me keep on track so I didn't have to look at their feet when she was rattling on. She did rattle on a few times, but we weren't doing anything to intense at the time that I couldn't handle it. 

The pace of the workout was very fast, but the cool down just sneaks up on you.The cool down itself was mainly a bunch of yoga poses and I was off balance most of the time. It was funny because as I'm falling all over the place, she's saying something like, "See, you can do yoga, you little warriors." Yeah, I was great at yoga. NOT!

Overall, I liked the workout and was glad that I did it. I was quite happy to have a cardio workout. The Biggest Loser DVDs are great if you want to hurt the next day, but these Leslie Sansone DVDs have their own niche in the world. They are a much better all around cardio workout.

Below are my BodyMedia screens shots and my Nexercise points and medals. The big blue blob (it's so not a blip. It's a blob, and I'm proud of that blob!) on the left is the workout. The rest is me walking around at work. I still think it's crazy that I got 43 minutes of total activity doing this, but The Biggest Loser Power X-Train got me 8 and only 170 calories. Something just seems fishy!



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