Saturday, October 31, 2015

Review of Cize: The End of Exercize: Day 28: Hold Your Own

Day 28: Hold Your Own

Day 28 is supposed to be a rest day, but it was a Friday and I hadn't done the free workout yet so I did that. This workout was not like the rest. It wasn't really a workout. He taught us some moves that we could do if we went to a club or a house party. I don't go to clubs or house parties. I don't dance in public and these really worked much in terms of dance moves. I can't really describe this workout, but I have no plans on doing it again. It was short and fairly slow paced. I don't have much to say about this workout.

Polar M400 Screen Shots

Here are the screen shots. Rather unimpressive I know. 

Want to Learn More? Watch the Video! 

If you decide to buy Cize, make sure you buy it from a Beachbody Coach so you can get the best price and the FREE workout! If you don't have a coach, you can sign up to get me as your coach! Shipping is about half the price through a coach and you get all of the same workouts that you'd get through the infomercial plus an extra one that you can't get through the infomercial. 

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