Tuesday, January 13, 2015

21 Day Fix Day 16 Food

Day 16 Food

Today was Day 16 for the 21 Day Fix. It went pretty well. I wasn't hungry like I was last week. Adding the sandwich to breakfast and switching lunch and dinner seems to have helped.

Breakfast: Peanut butter with a slice of Dave's Killer Bread and Shakeology with homemade yogurt. 2 red, 3 teaspoons, 1 yellow

Snack: Graze.com Hot Cross Yum. It's not part of the 21 Day Fix diet, but I just don't care. 

Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs and an apple. 2 purple, 1 red

Lunch: Shepherd's Pie. 2 yellow, 1 Red, 1/2 green

PM Snack: Oatmeal, banana and raisin cookies and green juice. 1 yellow, 3/4 purple, 3 green

Dinner: Giant salad with raisins and homemade salad dressing and a chicken breast. I know that raisins aren't part of the plan, but again, I just don't care. 2 red, 3 green, 1 orange

Dessert: Cheese, 3 teaspoons peanut butter, homemade blueberry frozen yogurt. 3 teaspoons, 1 blue, 1/4 purple, 1/2 red


Green 6-1/2 - Red 6-1/2 - Yellow 4 - Purple 3 - Blue 1 - Orange 1 - Teaspoons 6

I'm still low on my fruit, but I'm okay with that. I'm a little over on my red and green, and I'm okay with that too. 

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