Wednesday, December 31, 2014

21 Day Fix Day 3 Food

Day 3 Food

I ate a lot of the same stuff as yesterday, but I did do a few changes.

Breakfast - Shakeology with plain homemade yogurt - 2 Red

Snack - snack called Scrumptious Blueberry Swirl. It had dried fruit and blueberry yogurt drops. It was still a cheat because I'm not supposed to eat dried fruit on the Fix, but I don't care. I'm not giving up my snacks. They were yummy!

Snack - Apple and two hard boiled eggs - 1 red 2 Purple (it was a big apple)

Lunch - Salad with chicken breast, a few raisins, and my homemade salad dressing. I also drank my green juice during lunch. 7 green (I didn't actually measure them, but I think it was 4), 1 orange, 1 red, and 1/2 Purple The raisins were a cheat, but it wasn't even a full serving and it makes the salad edible.

Snack - 2 banana, oatmeal, raisin cookies and a cheese stick. The banana, oatmeal cookies are actually in the book as a cheat meal, but they have chocolate chips in theirs and I used raisins. I know that raisins aren't part of the meal plan, but again, it was such a small amount of them that I'm not going to sweat it. 1 Purple, 1 Yellow, and 1 Blue

Dinner - Homemade turkey soup! It had turkey, pasta, celery, potatoes, onions and carrots. It was super awesome. I probably shouldn't have eaten as much pasta as I did, but I did and I'm okay with that. 4 yellow, 1 green and 1 red. I try to eat two reds for dinner, but the soup was a bit heavy on the pasta and a bit light on the turkey. I'll be short a protein today, but I got extra protein in my green juice and my peanut butter.

Dessert - Homemade Blueberry Frozen Yogurt and 6 teaspoons of peanut butter. 1/2 purple and a smidge of a red.


Green  7 -  Purple 4 - Red 5 and a smidge - Yellow 5 - Blue 1 - Orange 1 - Teaspoons 6

I'm not limiting my greens so I don't care about going over on my green. I'm also not bothered about going over on my yellow for today. I'll probably go under tomorrow. I'm okay with going under on my protein today since I went over on my yellow. 

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