Monday, August 18, 2014

Review of Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds Express 2 Mile Brisk Walk with Stretchie Band

What I did and why

As I mentioned in my previous post about the Walk Away the Pounds 3 Mile Super Fat Burner workout, I'm doing a 10 day free trial to Gaiam TV and I'm trying to get in at least 20 workouts during my 10 days. That means I have to workout twice a day! I did my first one this morning and this was was at 7:30 PM. I don't normally workout in the evening, but since hubby is at work, I can get all sweaty and gross and it won't matter!

The Workout

The workout was two miles so it was about 30 minutes long. It started off by going over the four basic moves which are walking in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. The music in the beginning was pretty loud and it's a song that's in all of these Walk Away the Pounds Express workouts I think. It gets kind of annoying. After the four basic moves are done the music picks up a little bit and we do the same four basic moves. She added in some spots where we walking with our feet further apart. We also did knee lifts moving forward and backwards.  Kick backs were the only other thing beyond the basics. We didn't do any arm stuff for awhile. I was pretty surprised by that, but eventually, we did some stretching the arms up over the head and pulling them down. We also did stretching them out to the side and pulling them back. After that we did up down out and in.

At some point between the 1 mile mark and the 1.5 mile mark, we picked up the stretchie bands. We didn't do a lot with them, but it was only a 2 mile walk. We stretched them out in front of us and pulled out hands out to the sides more. I can't really describe these things well. We also did a chest press move with the band behind our back and we pushed forward. We took a break from the stretch and just held it for a bit. When we started with it again we had it behind our backs with our hands out in front. We then opened up our arms and closed them back up. We also did a move with it up over our head a little and stretched it as we pulled it down.

The workout had markers each half mile and Leslie announced them as well. At the 2 mile point, we stopped with the walking to have a stretch. It was the standard deal with the feet wide and the arms going up over the head while breathing deeply. Then we did the calf stretch for what seemed like forever and then more deep breathing with the arms going up over the head. Overall, it was a good workout. There were a couple parts where she rattled on, but for the most part, she moved between the different moves pretty consistently. It was good to do a walking workout that I hadn't done before.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

I'm not really sure what's up with me and random dips in the middle of workouts. I really need to work on keeping the feet going while I get water I think! I thought I would have had more than 8 minutes of vigorous activity, but there was very little arm movement in this walk.

Polar FT7 Heart Rate Monitor

Here are my stats from the heart rate monitor. I know the fat burning zone and the fitness zone aren't really anything that anyone goes by anymore, but I feel like I should post the pic just because the monitor has that screen. I really need to work on getting better lighting for these! I just don't have the dexterity to hold the watch, line up the shot and hit the button to take the picture. I suck! 

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