Thursday, August 14, 2014

I DID IT! Review of Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 60!

What I did and why

Today was Day 60 of Les Mills Combat! I FINISHED IT! I have earned my T-Shirt! I'll have another post with official stats and everything, but I just needed to say once again that.........I FINISHED IT! I went all 60 days of Les Mills Combat. I did not miss a single workout in those 60 days. I swapped two because I read the calendar wrong, but I did all 60 days. If I woke up late, I still did it. I cut the shower short and risked being late to work, but I did it! If I woke up sore or tired or hungry or PMSy, it didn't matter! I still did it! It's quite the accomplishment for me! I get bored easily, but I stuck with this thing! Okay, enough tooting my own horn.

Shock Plyo

Someone's idea of a sick joke was to put the most difficult workout as the final workout, but I will fool them! I'm going to do the Free DVD tomorrow! Take that Les Mills Combat Calendar Creator! You will not make my last memory of this round of Combat by Shock Plyo! You can read my full play by play review of Shock Plyo on my Review of Day 3 of Les Mills Combat. You can read about how much I disliked it my first time around. It's growing on me, but it still has burpees, jumping lunges, jumping squats, mountain climbers, push ups, planks and skaters. Pretty much everything I hate about exercise. It's like real exercise. I prefer fun exercise. Things like hiking or combat. With the combat workouts, I can pretend it's not a workout. I can pretend I'm training to be an MMA fighter. With the HIIT workouts, I'm just working out. There's nothing fun about burpees! 

I still do backward lunges instead of the forward ones. That may never change. I didn't do the plyo lunges either. I didn't "drop" into the drop squats, but I did do all of the mountain climbers on my toes. I still did the push ups on my knees though. After the workout, I tried a push up on my toes. Let's just say that I'm not nearly as buff under all of this fat as I thought I was. I thought I'd be able to power out one push up on my toes. Well, not so much. I made it down an inch or two, but that's about it. I did try it after the workout though so I'm going to say that I was too tuckered out from all of the push ups on my knees to do one on my toes. I'll give my muscles a few days to recover from 60 days of Les Mills Combat and then I'm trying that push up again! 

I did all of the jumping stuff in that last torturous song! I so need a rest day! I can't wait until this weekend! I'm not going to workout either day. I think we're going hiking though. Hopefully, it won't be too much elevation gain. 

I'm really nervous about what next week will hold. For two months, I haven't had to think or plan my workouts. Before bed, I make sure I know what workout I'm doing so I know how much time I need in the morning and then I just wake up and do that workout. That has reduced my stress level significantly. It's also made me realize that I really do need a more structured plan like this. If I do the plan, I tend to let myself slack off with 10 minute workouts. I can't keep doing that if I want to get rid of another 108 pounds or more. Oh it feels so good to see that number instead of the 150 that I started out wanting to lose.

I'm excited for hubby to get home in an hour so we can do pictures! I never wanted to see pictures of myself, but now I want to see them so I can see if there are changes that I notice! I really wish I had my 317 pound pictures, but I was too embarrassed to have anyone take pictures of me and I didn't even want to take them of myself.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my screen shots for the workout. The HIIT workouts always make me feel like I didn't do enough! The stats are just terrible! I always hear about how HIIT workouts will increase your calorie burn throughout the day, but my BodyMedia Fit doesn't seem to show anything higher than my 1.6 when sitting down doing nothing. I'm not really sure what's up with that. Maybe I'm really burning it but it doesn't trigger the right sensors for the BodyMedia. I'm not sure. 

Polar FT7 Heart Rate Monitor

Well, this workout was the reason I got my Polar FT7 heart rate monitor. I didn't think the BodyMedia device was very accurate for stuff like this. Yesterday's workout didn't work for the BodyMedia, but the HIIT workout on Tuesday did. I wasn't thrilled with the results on that one, and I'm not thrilled with the results on this one either. BodyMedia is still higher and since I thought BodyMedia's calorie burn was low, I'm really bummed with the HRM's version of my burn. I think the difference was less today than it was on Tuesday though. I'm still going to play around with the HRM some more. I still think it will be helpful during my attempt to run. I also think it will be good to look at the percentage of time I was in the Fat Burning mode versus Cardio mode, but I've yet to sit down to learn how to use this gadget. 

Want to learn more about Les Mills Combat?

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