Sunday, July 20, 2014

Review of Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 34

What I did and why

I'm a day late in writing this, so this workout was yesterday. I'm doing the warrior program, so Day 34 was Kick Start. I've done this workout several times already. You can read the full play by play on my review of day 1 of Les Mills Combat

Kick Start

Kick Start is a 30 minute combat workout. It mixes up punching and kicking. I've been wearing my weight lifting gloves while doing the workouts. I didn't splurge for the bigger package so I didn't get gloves with my Les Mills Combat program. So one day, I forgot to put my gloves on. I'm standing there punching and feeling really weird. I didn't have the whole badass feeling like I normally get while doing the DVDs. I felt like a friend of mine looked one day while we were playing Wii Boxing. She punched how people punch when you say they "punched like a girl." So I couldn't figure out why I felt so wimpy. Then it hit me! I didn't have my gloves on! I don't think it's necessary to get the Les Mills Combat gloves, but I do suggest using gloves of some sort or handwraps like Billy Blanks wears in Tae Bo. It really adds a whole new mental aspect to this.

This is the last time I get to do this workout during the remaining days of my 60 day commitment to this program! I'm a bit bummed about that because it's a nice short workout that goes by super fast and I'm good at this one! I still can't keep up with the uppercut scissor leg section, but I'm totally bad ass in the rest of it. I did the jump kicks today since it was my last time doing this workout for who knows how long. I'm going to miss my 234 continuous kicks! Not that it really is 234 continuous kicks since there are a ton of knee strikes in there which aren't kicks plus they do the kata thing between the right side and the left side. 

I've been doing this workout since Day 1, but I still haven't memorized the whole workout. I remember sections, but not the whole workout. I'm not sure if that means my memory just sucks or the way they laid out this program is really great since I'm not getting bored. :)

Week 6 starts tomorrow. I'll have to do Shock Plyo and Power HIIT again. I've really enjoyed this week of NOT doing these two workouts! 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are the BodyMedia Screen shots. I've come a long way since Day 1! I've got an extra 10 minutes of vigorous activity compared to Day 1 and also an extra 65 calories. It took the same amount of time to do the workout as the first time, but I'm burning more calories doing it! This makes me happy! I hate that big dip there just before the end, but they go super slow to do this kata thing. Once the 60 days is done and I've done Combat Live 30, I might do this workout again and not go slow in the slow spots. t will be interesting to see how any vigorous minutes and calories burned that I can get! 

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