Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beachbody Les Mills Combat Day 20

What I did and why

Today was Day 20 of Les Mills Combat. It was HIIT Plyo Day. I'm not 1/3 of the way through this round of Les Mills Combat! I figure if I made it this far, I can actually believe that I'm going to get through this 60 day program!

Shock Plyo HIIT 2

I've now done this workout 3 times. My first post about it has the full play by play for the Shock Plyo workout. I've decided that I just don't like this workout. I love the Combat ones, but the HIIT ones are just not my friends. The other one isn't so bad though. I just do not like this workout! Way too many lunges! It's pretty much lunges, squats and jumping for 30 minutes. Oh no, that's not right. There were actually a boatload of push ups too. I disliked this workout so much this time that I actually counted out the number of times that I will have to do it again before my 60 days is up. The answer is 6. I have to do it 6 times before I'm done! I get one week off, but I have to do it twice in one week! I hope that I'll get strong enough that I can love this workout, but right now it just sucks! I can't do the plyo lunges and all of the jumping just exhausts me. When I modify the lunges, I'm just so slow that I do like two lunges before we're back to running again. Six more times! That's all I have to get through! I can handle six more times! 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my screen shots. I had the same amount of vigorous activity as the first visit, but two less minutes of total activity. I had five less calories burned in this workout compared to the first time doing it. It looks like I did better in some spots, but worse in other spots. Six more workouts! I just need to get through this workout 6 more times!

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