Friday, June 13, 2014

Jessica Smith's Barefoot Fusion Walk Review

What I picked and why

Today, I woke up on time! I then procrastinated on picking a workout. I had five minutes to decide before it was too late! I knew that I could find something fast on Oddly enough, I had intended to do a Chris Freytag workout this morning, but promptly forgot that was my plan. Oh well, I love Jessica and Peanut, so I'm not too worried about it. I picked this specific workout because it didn't involve jogging, it was 30 minutes and I hadn't done it before. I love Jessica's stuff for so many reasons. I like her as an instructor because she's upbeat and encouraging without being so perky that I just want to punch her in the face. Jessica, if you're reading this, that's a huge compliment. There aren't many people that I don't want to punch in the face! She also takes the time to respond to people on Facebook and Twitter. Plus, she's got the cutest dog in the world!

The Workout

I think this might have been my favorite of her 30 minute walks so far. It's really hard to decide, but I did like it. I got to see Peanut for a brief period of time and the walk was designed to be done barefoot. I do most of my workouts barefoot. I put shoes on to go to the gym or walk outside, but I just hate shoes on in the house! Okay back to the workout. She did a lot of different stuff in this workout and that's why I love her stuff so much. The steps are usually pretty easy for me to follow, but they make you move in ways that you're just not used to which is great. Instead of just raising your arms up over your head and lowering them to make things more intense, she has you do these big arm circles in front of your body. You can't get bored with these workouts because she always comes up with something different. She usually comes up with things that tax my brain, but this one was simple enough for even me! Although, I did lose the rhythm at one point. She has you do double side steps, but you turn into them and push your opposite hand down and across your body. So as you're moving to the right, your left hand comes across the body and down. It's hard to explain so just watch the video. I really enjoyed this workout and would probably do it again, but not in the immediate future because I have a recovery week next week and then I move on to Les Mills Combat. I'm kind of scared! The workout had a quick cool down with a short stretch.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots. Now, the arc o the workout doesn't look too terribly impressive. I never got over 14 calories per minute and I only had 1 minute of vigorous activity, but I enjoyed the workout and I wasn't in pain. The best part of this though.....I burned about the same amount of calories as I did doing my 30 minute treadmill workout from yesterday. You know the treadmill workout where I talked about the incredible pain in my shins. The treadmill workout where I actually "ran" for one minute and 50 seconds. I burned about the same number of calories doing this simple and pain free workout! 

The weird dip there towards the end was caused by me losing my Internet connection. It took me two minutes to get it back on. I had to troubleshoot and then unplug the modem. Then I had to reload the YouTube video and then I had to find my spot again. I hate when that happens. Now, I need to redo the workout so I can get a more accurate arc. 

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