Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Jessica Smith 30-Minute Power Interval Walk

What I picked and why

This weekend, I didn't come up with a plan for the week. This left things open. This is a scary thing for me. I keep thinking of the whole, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." I am still in the 43 day challenge though on Facebook, so it's not like it was a complete lack of planning. I planned to do exercise, but I didn't map out what I would do or when I would do it. This morning, I slept through my alarm THREE times! Remember last week when I said that if I sleep through my alarm, it's my body's way of telling me that I need a rest day? I didn't listen then and I didn't listen now. Eventually, I'm going to need a rest day or my husband is going to force me into one. I got out of bed with little energy and little time to find something to do. I thought that I had done all of Jessica's walks so I just put walking workout into YouTube. I found this little gem that I hadn't done before!

The Workout

The workout had a brief warm up built into it. It didn't last long and then things got crazy. I love her workouts because she does weird things in them that no one else ever does. She says goofy things too. The dog is my favorite part though. I love Peanut! Okay so at the beginning of this workout she talks about how this is the first day of some four weeks of weight loss. She said that it was important to start slow. She obviously hasn't tried doing this workout while weighting 290 pounds because this workout was pretty intense. It's not for the feint of heart or those who don't like to jump, or those who already had sore calves from who knows what. Seriously, why are my calves so bloody sore! It didn't come on until yesterday evening. That's too late for DOMS from Sunday's hike and too early for DOMS from yesterday morning's Weight Loss Yoga. I love being sore the day after a workout, but I really hate having sore calves!

Okay, so the workout. Wow I'm getting so sidetracked. This wasn't like her other interval workouts that I've done. I'm used to her having her GymBoss on and doing timed stuff like 1 minute fast 1 minute recovery or 40 seconds "low intensity" and 20 seconds "high intensity." This had parts to spike the heart rate, but they did not appear times or consistent. 

I had to modify some of the stuff that she did in this workout. She did a thing where we pretended to jump rope, but our feet never left the ground. It was basically fast paced calf raises while doing our hands in jump rope motion. Due to my calf pain, I just couldn't keep doing those. I did as many as I could but then just did side steps to keep moving. There was also a section where we were kind of squatting down and alternating our legs out to the side. That part was fine, but then she started doing both legs at the same time. We didn't really jump. it was more like sliding out feet out and then back in, but it was fast and it was too bouncy for me. It could have been my mood because I don't think this was any worse than the scissor jacks she had me do on Day 4 of her Thin in 10 exercise plan

There was a lot of marching in place, side steps, cha chas with angled kicks, and knee lifts. There was other random stuff in there too. Nothing was too crazy as far as choreography, but my heart rate did get up there pretty high. Well, it felt like it did, but I don't have a heart rate monitor yet so I'm just guessing. I was out of breath and had 8 minutes of vigorous activity. 

The cool down started with about five minutes left in the workout. She slowed us down and then did some stretching. it was a lot of deep breaths with the arms going up and then exhaling as they came down. There was some stretching involved. It was similar to the Warrior type Yoga pose that Leslie Sansone does at the end of most of her workouts.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots. It's pretty much what I expected. She said that we would get our heart rate up in bursts and we did. You can see all the little points from the higher energy stuff. What I'm confused about is her results from the SparkPeople activity tracker. She has 832 steps and 100 calories burned. I'm not surprised that I have way more calories burned than her since hers is just showing the extra from the workout and not the calories burned by being alive. You have to take my 48 calories out that I would have burned by just sitting on the couch. You also have to consider I way like 160 pounds more than she does and I'm really out of shape. She was able to talk during the entire thing and not miss a word. I would have been lucky to say, "Water!" What I'm surprised about is the 2740 steps that I got and the 832 steps that she got. Something is just really hinky with her results versus mine. Overall, I enjoyed the workout. 

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