Sunday, May 18, 2014

Leslie Sansone Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan Review Red Mile

What I picked and why

I don't normally workout on Sundays, but when I do, It's with Leslie Sansone. (I really hope you're all laughing after reading that. If you didn't get it....think of the Dos XX commercials and read it again.) Hubby took the kiddos back today, so I got a bonus workout. Normally, I edit the entire time that he's gone, but I decided to take some me time today and workout. I was pretty bummed about not being able to post my second review of this DVD! I also have a plan for this week and that plan doesn't involve a 1 mile walk, so I had to get this done before Monday. I picked the Red Mile in Leslie Sansone's Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan. I picked this one because it was my last mile to do before I could do my second review of the DVD as a whole. You may think that this sounds familiar if you read my review of the Blue Mile on Friday. When I did the Blue Mile, I thought that it was my last mile because I had already done the Red Mile as the 1 mile workout in my first review of the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan. However, when I sat down to do my second review of the DVD and set about picking the winners in some specific categories, I realized that my first Red Mile workout include the segment on leg toning, so I had to redo the Red Mile with just the warm up and cool down. 

The Workout

The warm up started with the four basic moves which are marching in place, side steps, kicks and knee lifts. After going through all of the moves, she did one arm move. It was just stretching the arms up over our heads. Then we did the four basic moves again and then we were done with the warm up.

The workout starts deceptively easy and stays deceptively easy throughout the entire workout, but yet, I have 8 minutes of vigorous activity. The first move is walking in place three steps and then tapping on the fourth. Once we did that for a bit, we started moving right and left with those. That was followed by some kicks. The kicks lasted a little longer than I would have liked for so early in the workout, but it's good to challenge ourselves right? With the kicks, we alternated extending out the opposite arm at the same time. There were side steps going forward and back with this workout too. She had us clapping our hands while doing those. About midway through, the pace kicked up. We walked up two and back two. There was one section of double sidesteps. There was a section with single knee lifts that turned into double knee lifts. We did the walk, walk walk, tap thing again. There was one arm move where the arms went up and then out and then down and then out. This time, it didn't tax my brain like it did the first time I did this mile. I"m not sure if I got more sleep last night, or if I'm just getting better at this stuff!

The cool down was just the normal steps with some walking up two and back two thrown into the mix. There wasn't much stretching, and one leg got a longer stretch than the other. I still have more plans for this DVD, but it might be time to return it and do those things another time.

BodyMedia Screen Shot

I only have one BodyMedia screen shot because the website appears to be having some issues. I was really surprised to have 8 minutes of vigorous activity since the last time I only had 4. I  must have put more oomph into this workout. Now, I have to wait for the website to come back so I can finish up my second review of the DVD! 

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