Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jessica Smith Dance Walk Disco Mix

What I picked and why

I'm on my Jessica Smith kick still. I like her personality and her vibe. I also like the workouts. She does things that are not your typical workout DVD, and in the stuff on her website, she's just a normal human being. She doesn't do the exaggerated personality thing. Most fitness instructors on DVDs act like they're talking to five year olds. They use extra big smiles and over done facial expressions while they get super inspirational, but it's just so annoying. I also love Jessica's stuff because of the cute little dog. I love Peanut! I picked Dance Walk Disco Mix because Sara suggested it in the comments on my blog post about the Jessica Smith Barefoot Sunset Walk.

The Workout

The workout started off with marching in place while Jessica talked for a little bit about the workout. It then build up in intensity as time went on. It never got crazy intense. I was out of breath and sweating, but I never got to the point where I wanted to die. For the most part, I was able to keep up with her when she did the steps that I could understand, but there were a few moves that just fried my brain. One specific one was a grapevine type thing, but with the leg crossing over the front instead of the back and then there was an optional turn in the middle. There were a few others, but not nearly as many as in Dance Party.

This one was fun for me even though at times, I felt like a total idiot for not being able to get my feet going in the right direction. I liked the music in this one and enjoyed doing the YMCA! There were some fun and challenging moves that I was able to handle! One of them involved an arm move that I can't remember all of the specifics on, but the arms went out and then in with the elbows still out, but then the elbows went down with the hands up, then the hands went up over the head and the arms then came back down out to the side. It's hard to describe. 

She did some stuff in here that I had never really thought possible. I managed to work my chest without weights or push ups. It's another move that's really hard to describe, but it involve bringing your shoulders forward and in a bit and then back. She described it as opening and closing the rib cage. My chest was actually getting fatigued during it! I think I'll even be sore tomorrow. 

She finds ways to work muscles that other people forget about in a workout like this. One move had us plant move of our weight on one leg while doing a toe tap like you were keeping the beat with music, but you pivot your on your heel while doing it. So you would plant on your left leg, and your right leg would do a toe tap to the front. You then pivot your right foot so the toe is out to the right and you tap again. You then go back to center and keep doing that. You wouldn't think that this would be difficult, but who really works their shins? Madness I say! It's a good madness though. :)

This workout didn't have much of a cool down, but it never really got crazy intense, so it didn't need a long cool down. It did have a good stretch in it. I really liked this workout and I might just try more of the dance walks! There is one that I saw on YouTube that showed Peanut with a pumpkin on her head. I need to find that workout! I just love Peanut.

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots for the workout. I had to double check to make sure that this was the correct screen shot from today because I noted above that the workout never got too terribly intense, but yet, I had 12 minutes of vigorous activity. Apparently the workout was more intense than I remember. Kudos to Jessica for making a workout that kicked my ass and I didn't even know it! My legs feel like they're going to hurt tomorrow, so she managed to hide some vigorous activity and leg work intense enough to give me tingly thighs over 12 hours later. I might just have to do this workout again!


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