Thursday, April 3, 2014

Leslie Sansone Walk at Home Walk Away Your Waistline 3 Mile Walk Featuring the Walk Belt

The DVD and Why I Chose It

I intended to do a 4 mile walk this morning, but I procrastinated and ran out of time, so I was left with only having enough time for a 3 mile walk. I've done this one before, but not with the walk belt yet, so I popped it in. I have two copies of this DVD. One that I bought several years ago, and one that came with the Walk Strong box set. I've got one DVD left to do on the box set and then I can put a review of the whole set. The DVD gives you the option to play the whole workout or each mile separately. I selected the whole workout.


This walk uses the walk belt, but you don't have to use it. She really didn't use it that much during the workout, and when she did use it, she didn't do anything intense with it. Most of the time it was just holding our arms out in front of us or out to the side. There were also parts where you held the handles and then just touched your knees during knee lifts. I actually picked this one thinking that I was going to get a good shoulder workout, but it wasn't really too intense for the shoulders. 

The Workout

I wrote a review of this workout the first time I did it. You can read more about the step by step stuff by reading it. That workout was on February 12th. I re-read it while writing this review. It's interesting to go back an re-read some of my first reviews. While doing the workout this time, I was thinking to myself that this would be a really good workout for someone's first 3 mile if they just skipped the belt. Even with the belt, I felt like it was pretty slow paced, but reading back to my previous review of the same video, but without the belt, it sounds like I was dying doing it. There were a lot of spots in this one where she kept talking about random things. I liked the actual workout, but she did rattle on a lot! 

The Cool Down and Stretch

The cool down seemed to come on early and it lasted awhile. It's funny that the first time I did this one, I thought that it snuck up on me. The stretches were much easier for me this time. I wasn't falling all over the place doing the yoga moves. I love the blog even more now. I think it's awesome to be able to go back to a workout that I did about six weeks ago and see my progress. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

The first BodyMedia screen shots are the workout from today. The second ones are from the previous time I did the workout. I liked the close up shot that I did of the workout the other day, so instead of the whole day, I think I'll just include the close up part so you can really see the ups and downs of the workout. I was surprised that I burned more calories and had more steps with the previous workout. I also had more moderate and vigorous activity. I guess the workouts are doing what they're supposed to do since I bet if you tossed a BodyMedia device on Leslie, she wouldn't even hit vigorous activity. It takes a lot to move me around the living room! She can sit there and go on a ten minute monologue while still doing the workout. After comparing the two workouts zoomed in on the hills and valleys, I really want to do the workout again. Those two dips in the one from today are just weird when compared to the previous time I did the workout. I have no idea why there was a difference of 200 steps between these two workouts especially since I did more steps in the previous workout. Maybe I took more water breaks in this one and didn't move my feet fast enough during them. I'm not sure. 

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