Thursday, April 24, 2014

Leslie Sansone Just Walk Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan Thursday

What I picked and why

I picked the Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan again because that's my theme for the week. One more day and it needs to go back to the library. I'm kind of sad since I have so many plans for this DVD! Oh well. You can read about my Monday Workout, my Tuesday Workout and my Wednesday Workout if you'd like to catch up on the beginning of my week. Stay tuned for tomorrow for the final day! It will be 5 miles! Today was two miles. A little refresher on this DVD. It has five one mile segments and five toning segments. The DVD gives you the option of playing a pre-set workout routine for each day of the week. Those include a walk and a toning segment. The miles for the walk are different each day. The toning segments target a different body part each day. You also have the option to customize the workout and play up to 10 segments. You could do all of the walks twice and get ten miles. You could do all of the toning twice and get a good circuit. You could alternate walks and toning or you could do all five miles and then all five toning segments. There are so many options!

The Workout

The Warm Up

It's a basic warm up that goes over the four basic moves which are walking in place, side steps, front kicks and knee lifts. This lasts about four minutes or so and includes one part where we "wake up our upper body" by raising our arms up over our head at a slow pace.

Yellow Mile

The Yellow Mile has two walkers with her. One of them is the most annoying walker I have ever seen. She just exaggerates everything. She looks sooooooo incredibly fake. I like the walk for this mile, but I need to stick something over my TV so I don't have to watch her stupid facial expressions. Maybe she's supposed to be there to show a more advanced workout. I'm not sure, but they don't say anything about it. Okay, so the Yellow Mile has a lot of kicking. My legs and rear were sore from the workout yesterday, so maybe it seemed like an excessive amount of kicking, but oof by the time I was done my buns were all tingly! This mile had a couple interesting things like walking up two paces and then doing a tap out on each leg. We then went back and did the same thing. There was also a section where we did single side steps and then went right into kick backs which was followed immediately by heels. Heels are when you tap your heel in front of you kind of in front of the other foot. I liked moving from one more to the next without walking in the middle. 

Green Mile

The first time I did this mile, I really liked it because it didn't have the walker who annoys me. I like the blond walker. Her smile seems genuine and so do her responses to Leslie. I remember having a on of grapevines but being okay with it because anything was better than dealing with the crazy expressions of the other walker. This is my third time doing this mile and my love of it had diminished over time. I'm just not a fan of grapevines. I found this mile a bit boring since it was pretty much the same thing over and over again. We did a ton of grapevines and we walked forward for four counts and back for four. I don't really remember much else in this other than she rattled on and on about how you can do anything if you do a workout first. When she rattles on about it, I think of a leader of a country who is in turmoil trying to decide what to do about some military action and I hear Leslie say, "Can't decide if you want to bomb another country, just go for a walk and you'll make up your mind." It's highly amusing to me. 

The Cool Down

The cool down is pretty standard. You walk in place slower. There are mini side steps, front kicks and knee raises. There is also walking forward two counts and then back. It's followed up by some deep breathing with the arms going up over the head. Then we switch to the standard leg stretch with the front leg bent and the back leg stretched back. There's some leaning forward 

Chest and Back

This was a fairly short segment that involved modified push ups and another move that I don't know the name. While on your hands and knees, you lift up your right arm and left leg and stretch them out. Then you put them back and lift up the left arm and right leg and stretch them out. We did several push ups and then went to the second move. We went back to push ups and then did the second move again. That it was over. There was no stretching after. 

BodyMedia Screen Shots

Here are my BodyMedia screen shots for the day. I did a 1 mile workout yesterday and got 4 minutes of Vigorous activity. Today, I did a 2 mile and only got one extra minute. That just seems a bit odd. This workout had a strange arc to it. It had a very slow build up, but a very drastic drop off. It wasn't one of my favorite workouts, but it still burned a bit of calories. I'm a bit miffed that I didn't get that one extra calorie to get me to 400!

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