Tuesday, April 15, 2014

10 Minute Solutions Best Belly Blasters Six Pack Ab Attack with Jessica Smith

Why I picked this workout

I picked 10 Minute Solutions Best Belly Blasters for a few reasons. I got this from the library several weeks ago. I renewed it four times and then had to return it. I hadn't done any of the workouts at the time. I got the DVD again and I'm on my third renew without having done it. For that alone, I should have done this. The other day, I discovered Jessica Smith. I really like her as an instructor. I had only done her stuff on YouTube, but knew that she had some DVDs. I checked with my library to see what they had and I discovered that she was on this DVD that I had been renewing and renewing but never doing. I decided that this week I was going to do this DVD. I didn't workout yesterday and I had no real desire to workout today so I thought I could convince myself to do a 10 minute workout. The workout would inspire me to be one with working out again and I would be off to a roaring start tomorrow and do some crazy long kickboxing workout. We can all dream right?


This DVD has six different ab workouts. You have the option to Play All or to Play a Custom Workout. You select which ones you want to do an in what order you do them. I just picked the Six Pack Ab Attack since I was under motivated this AM.

The Workout

There was a brief standing warm to stretch out the abs. We then hit the deck fast and hard. This workout was not the nice casual laid back Jessica that I've grown to love in the two walking workouts I did. She was drill instructor Jessica. She even referred to me as a soldier. Obviously, my TV is only one way because if she had seen me, she would not be calling me a soldier. This DVD was fast paced. There was little time between each move. It was loaded with stuff that was just way too hard for my 299 pound body. (When I was 305 pounds, I would round down and say my 300 pound body, but now that I'm under 300 pounds, I'm not rounding up! No way, no how, ain't happening!) I can't remember all of the moves or in what order everything went and I'm writing this moments after finishing it, but I'll try to fill you in one some of them.

Oh yes, the first move. This move should have clued me in to the fact that this was not a fat girl workout. It's always hard to pick ab workouts because I never know if I'm going to get something that I can do or not. So the first move is down in a plank position and then you crawl through the mud. Now, keep in mind that when soldiers do this, they aren't in a plank position. It's more of a belly crawl, No soldier is going to go planking through the mud, but whatever. it was hard and I did not move very far. This workout was very plank heavy. There was another one where we were planking (okay she was planking) and she took five steps to the right while still planking. Once she moved, she alternated pulling one knee up. I just tried to maintain the plank since there was no way my knee was going anywhere. She did the same thing with lifting an arm up while planking. I again just tried to maintain the plank.

There was a little bit of crunching in this one, but it was stuff I hadn't tried before. I'm used to doing crunches with my hands behind my head, but she didn't do that at all. She had one where our hands were in front of us and we crunched up until our hands hit our thighs. Well, hers did, but I just went as far as I could. There were sit ups in this thing too. I crunched because I can't do sit ups. There was a twisting crunch type thing where she alternated touching her hand to her opposite knee, but it was the outer part of the knee so there was a nice oblique crunch to it. There was also the standard leg crunch thing. There was one rather interesting move. It's hard to describe, but you used your legs as momentum and went from a laying down position to a seated position. They look hard, but they were actually pretty easy and about the only part of the workout that I really enjoyed.

This workout was not for me, but it was a really good ab workout. Maybe once I hit 199 pounds, this workout will be doable for me. I'm glad this wasn't my first workout with Jessica Smith. If it had been, I might not have tried her walking workouts. It's interesting to see different sides of her though. This was a lot different than what I've seen of her. She had more of a workout instructor attitude in this workout than on the YouTube stuff that I've done. She did the over exaggerated personality stuff. I would recommend this workout to anyone who is having a hard time finding a challenging ab workout. The plan is to do the rest of the workouts on here, but I'm not sure if I'll get them done before it's due back to the library again. Maybe tomorrow I'll be motivated to do more than just one of them.

BodyMedia Screen Shot

Not much to show. I was out of breath and did as much as I could, but the BodyMedia doesn't think I did much of anything. Oh well. 

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