Friday, March 14, 2014

Reebok Incline Step Workout - 1st Workout

A few years ago, my husband got this incline step from Reebok. I've always wanted to do a workout with the step, but I've never found a step workout that I can actually do. All of the step workouts that I've seen involve highly complicated strings of moves. I love Leslie Sansone's walking workouts because they are simple and you do one step until she says to stop doing that one step. You don't string together multiple moves. I told my husband this and he suggested that I try the workout that came with the step. He said that he had done it, and he thought I would like it. Oh how he was wrong.........

I did this workout on Wednesday, but hadn't gotten a chance to post it yet. 

So the workout starts off with a very brief warm up. The instructor is incredibly perky while explaining what to do. However, she acts like I should know what these moves are. I did the first workout which does not involve inclining the step. Once the brief warm up is done, you do the basic step which is putting your right foot up, then putting your left foot up, then taking your right foot down and then taking your left foot down. So you do the basic step for a little bit. Once you're comfortable with that, you start to do bicep curls while doing the basic step. After that, you do a tricep move while doing the basic step. Then you do a couple basic steps with no hands, then the bicep curls then the tricep move. Do you see what's happening here? We're learning new moves to string onto the moves we've already learned. This is the beginning of the end. I can't keep up with the basic step with the bicep and then the tricep move so while she's back to basic, I'm still on the tricep move. 

This continues to unravel as there is this hop over the step and walk around the step. Then you do knee lifts into the corners. I think this is followed by a squat on the step. Then you step down and do a jumping jack. Then you do kicks into the corners. You step onto the bench and kick while clapping your hands under your leg. After that, it all gets a bit hazy. There is a lunge type move where you tap the step as your lunging. There is some moving over the step as well. Once all of that lunging is done there a move that has you doing knee lifts as you move down the length of the step. My step is shorter than the one in the video though, so there is less step to move down. I couldn't even figure out what she was doing. Once I thought I knew it, she was on to the next move so I wasn't able to successfully do it at the same time that she did. 

I was out of breath and miserable for the entire workout. I was never able to keep up and had to keep skipping parts so I'd be back on track with her to try and learn the new step. Keep in mind that I'm a 305 pound woman who has no co-ordination. I"m sure this is a good step workout for people who can do step. I still think that these types of workouts should have the person facing away from the camera with a mirror in front of them so I don't have to reverse everything in my head. 

There is a second workout on the DVD. That one uses the incline risers. I might try doing that one. I watched it in fast forward, and it looked a lot less complicated than the routine that I did do. I also found some stuff on YouTube that looks like what I'm after. I've also thought about using the step while doing a Leslie Sansone workout, but I need to successfully do a step routine before I can modify it. My thoughts are to do the "basic" step when she's marching in place. When she's doing knee lifts or front kicks, I would step up onto the step and do the knee lift or front kick. When she's doing side steps, I could step up onto the step and then go over to the other side. I'm not sure on the kick backs or some of the other moves yet. I will keep you all posted.

Here is my BodyMedia screen shot for the workout. 

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